Due to COVID-19 many youth may be happy or relieved because they can partake in schooling online which means more time to sleep, flexibility and convenience. As for me being an 18-year-old senior I do not posses those same feelings. COVID-19 put me at an odd limbo, I will not only miss out on events that are the culmination (prom and graduation) of high school but college as well. COVID-19 put an unwanted and unexpected gap in my transition from adolescence to adulthood and to add insult to injury the government has yet to devise a plan for college students! Its really deterring to possibly still have to pay tuition for a school I am not attending nor reaping the benefits of. All in all , COVID-19 is making adulting harder and more stressful.
Hope: Fear
A lost senior
Hello Im a senior. I was so excited for my senior year I understand that all the stuff I payed for wasnt really anyones fault but. Every time I look on the news its never about seniors. I was a senior with 27 credits and only needed .5 more to graduate. Im transitioning into signing up for collage and getting ready to pick my path. And all of this is just being left in the air. No one is telling me what to do or how to get ready for the next step. Im so afraid of missing something. My dream school is not even a possibility for me anymore because Im not able to finish the requirements they wanted me to do. I just feel like seniors are being left out of the equation when we are the most affected percentage out of all of this.
10 (Story #40)
This virus has put me in a situation where I have to think about how Im going to pay my bills my hours at work have been cut and I have kids to take care of but with this Coronavirus our here is putting stress on me a Im beginning to become depressed . I have to stretch my money so my kids can have a meal and supplies in the house
Its costly.
Costly. Spending money I do not have.
The Unexpected
The corona virus has impacted my life because my daughter isnt able to go to school but my job is still open because I work in the medical field. Therefore I have to find someone to watch her while Im at work. I am also not sure how long my job will be open or if I will get paid.
To hardships
My family income due to the virus is impacted as our only source of income is lyft
Financial crisis
It has severely cut the hours I am able to work. I do not receive pay for the hours I am not working. Therefore, its caused a lot of anxiety and stress about how bills will be paid long term. Im wondering how I can get another job in this time of crisis. Even if it means working at McDonalds.
Is this the New Normal?
As a working parent of a grade school age child and caregiver of an elderly mother I have experienced a increased amount of mental, emotional, and financial stress during the COVID-19 situation. I’m trying to find new ways to establish a routine that feels normal and make sure that everyone’s needs are met. Carving out a time to attend to work responsibilities at home while having a child at home and engaging him in meaningful activities is a challenge. Also, making sure that my mother is kept medically safe by limiting visitors and stress triggers is a task. I don’t think that I’m alone in the experience and that is comforting but I would like to find support through an online community that can link me to others with shared experiences, tips and guidance on how to best handle these emerging dynamics.
Work or Kids?
I’m home with my kids a lot, trying to work and keep them on a schedule that’s close to what they would do at school. It’s really hard to do work and pay attention to the kids and I find myself getting really short and unpleasant, yelling a lot. It’s hard to let go of what I want to accomplish at work but I can’t do both and the priority should be me being present with my kids.
How Coronavirus Impacted My Life
The Coronavirus has impacted my life in multiple ways. My daily activities as modified. I have to take precaution everywhere and with everyone. My work life and family life has changed. They way we shop has changed. I no longer eat out or visit places with large crowds. My business has even taken a impact. My daughter is a high school senior and her senior year has been ruined, no Grad Night, Prom and possibly graduation may not take place. The lines at the stores are long and many of them are out of supplies and its difficult to obtain items such as wipes, toilet tissue and other necessities for the home. Food items are limited as well.