Hope: Fear


So many people have died and many been infected. There aren’t enough supplies for hospitals and many hospitals are at their full capacities and don’t have room for any more patients. I try not to think about what would happen if I or someone in my family caught the coronavirus.


Many stores have recently shut down and there are still many things I need to get in order to be prepared throughout quarantine. When I do leave my home there aren’t really many people outside or in stores. The coronavirus has changed everything even how people shop. Now many people order things online and have them delivered a lot more due to this epidemic.


The Coronavirus has majorly impacted my family and I. We are active members of our church and I am a teacher that enjoys the presence of my students. I have been teaching for over 16 years and I feel that I impact the lives of my children at work. Many of them come from homes that are not so pleasant. Me not being able to love on them and be that much needed hope, love and encouragement that they need to be able to be in the harmful home. My heart is so bothered by the fact that school was a safe place for them. I know I can’t reach everyone, but I hope that out of these that have been in my care during the day, I miss encouraging and consoling them. Corona virus has robbed us of being that one constant for my children . The Coronavirus has changed the way I do things for others and for myself. I understand the need for social distancing, but my students need a warm embrace and reassurance that they can make it even in scary times like now.


I want to go too fast-food restaurants but I’m not sure I can because the person preparing the food could have been infected with the coronavirus. I sometimes wonder if there is ever going to be a cure for the coronavirus because there are just so many cases. Many doctors and firefighters and other people trying to help people avoid and recover from the coronavirus.

Life Interrupted

Well my husband was temporarily laid off and we were applying for unemployment and have had many worries about money but we are grateful to be healthy, we are staying home so we will will stay healthy.

A Sad Situation But God is In Control

I can’t work. I was furloughed off of both jobs. I basically have don’t any income. I have no applied for unemployment because people have said it was too hectic and a waste. I don’t like standing in food lines. It’s been an entire change. Cant go to work, you can’t see your grandkids. I miss my friends! Everyone is tense but I’m learning to cope and live with things I thought I needed like hair and nails. There are people doing worse. I’m doing my best to help out my neighbors. Someone at my church had the virus and she said it was no joke. She almost died. This made me so paranoid! But I’m trying to remain positive and wear my mask if I have to leave my house. I had dental work that I wasn’t able to get finished. I paid them over 3,000. Horrible timing. I had a prepaid trip for March that was cancelled


Covid 19 has impacted my family financially. I’m extremely careful on how I spend money, I’m prioritizing what bills to pay. At this point, credit scores isn’t important, but my family being feed is.

Home alone

My grandson is unable to attend public school. This is placing alot of stress on him. He is an only child and have very few opportunities to be with other kids his age. This is not natural for a child his age.

COVID-19 sucks

COVID-19 has impacted me mostly financially. I was laid off from my job as a travel coordinator. Since no one was traveling due to the scare of contracting the virus my company did not see fit to keep me. I have been struggling to apply for unemployment benefits and my case is still pending my pay stubs from 2018. Yes 2018. I just hope that my case would get resolved soon and I will at least have some income coming in making it easier for me to not be stressed.

Staying heathy

The virus has affect alot of my community senior and lot of the kids having to be inside alot .myself lose work and found working is hard to go out and look for work .and trying to keep bills payed and staying healthy.