Kids home eating all day light in water bill getting sky high…
How people are treated: People are treated the same
Keeping my daddy safe..
I missed 3 weeks of work when it first started because of all the uncertainties. My father has severe asthma. He is also COPD. I care for him and was afraid I would catch it and bring it to him. He is already having a difficult time. My daughter is also asthmatic.I work as a transit driver for mentally and physically disabled individuals. Its impossible to not come in contact with them. Some dont understand that they must wear a mask and constantly takes it off. I transport individuals in wheelchairs and on walkers who need my hands on assistance.
#god is good
I be having these body problems cuz all this weed I be smokin. Since the corona virus came they let my a** off so.. you know what that means. I got so high (he went on for an hour straight then he told me he has a disability he has seizures and then he started talking about god )
Life During Covid19
The corona virus has financially impacted my family. Throughout the course of Covid19, Ive spent a very large amount of money in continuing hopes of feeding my family at home and making sure that theyre clothes are clean. Due to stock markets failing and stores running out of certain products, it is difficult to get certain things such as cleaning products, toilet paper, paper towel, etc. Many people are also making sure that theyre supporting their loved ones, so theyre buying so much things leaving almost none for the next person. Its also been a really tough time for me due to the fact that I go to work earlier than I usually do. Before the pandemic occurred, I would normally go to work at 3:00 in the afternoon, but now I have to go to work at around 6:00 in the morning. Because of this, its typically challenging to prepare a meal for my family, before I leave. My family is at the top of my priority list, even though these times are hard, I need to ensure that Im doing whatever I can.
Family time (Story #734)
The Corona virus has gave me an opportunity to work from home, this time has let me spend more time with my family.
Quarantined (Story #686)
This virus has affected my life because I am not able to go out into public as often as before. I was not able to take courses in-person at my college. My family and I have been cooking at home instead of going out for food. My gym is closed so I havent been able to workout. It has been a complete change in my lifestyle.
1 (Story #671)
I can’t go to work, in able to visit my friends or family. When I go to the supermarket prices are higher than normal. A lot of items are unavailable in the stores and on line.BS2020AC
The Impact of the Corona Virus on a College Student
The corona virus has impacted my life in the way that I have been unable to attend church regularly on Sundays nor Youth Group on Fridays and I really miss it. Also, it has been difficult in the transition to online learning last Spring semester, but it has gotten better now at the start of my Summer semester. Also, I really miss going out to play soccer with my friends and eat at restaurants, however, I am thankful for the precautions that the government has taken to keep us safe.
Living life
I am enjoying social distancing catching up on life
Covid Change
I now have to teach my students through virtual schooling. I miss being with them and seeing them daily.