How people are treated: People are treated the same

Horror movie

The corona virus has send me back home from school. I can’t workout and things just are very hard because I am away from my friends this is very scary because people are dying.

Gail’s Story

the coronavirus has impacted my life because I can hardly work on one of my jobs. Sometimes I my go to peoples houses, sometimes I may go to the nursing homes, and sometimes might go to peoples houses. So, It was too much of a risk for me to hold onto that job for now because I have to be home with my grandchildren that I am taking care of right now, and as y’all know there is no school. So, I have to stay home with my grand kids most of the time. Sometimes I go to my private case which my private case told me that I didn’t have to go because she was more concerned because I had my grand kids and she didn’t want me to catch anything, but I still go every once in a while.

“Corona Changes”

I’ve become more cautious about what I touch and I even started washing my hands more than I usually do .

God Grace

I thank God because me and my family still alive bcuz without Him we won’t be here corona virus makes me cherish every moment of life bcuz an a minute u could loose someone you love

Quarantine with 3 plus me

Being in Quarantine due to COVID-19 is great at times and challenging in others. I am a mother of 3 school age children and am currently working from home. Finding balance between work and assisting the kids with their school work has been challenge that I am currently working. I am grateful for the full support of my kids teachers in providing lessons and following up with their educational needs. The struggle is when I try to focus on my work but still need to facilitate and support the kids learning ( answer questions, work on practice problems, review skills they are struggling with and provide attention. I feel guilty and feel like I am not always giving them the attention that they need to thrive in the virtual school setting. On the flip side, we are engaging in more crafting activities and bonding in new ways. Apart from spending time with family, I am personally taking time after I finish my work to focus on my personal growth by reading, taking notes and journaling to keep my sanity.

Peace through the Storm

So far my family has lost 3 members, for the most part everyone is staying safe as possible. Major change to work life.

Number 1.

Lost hours of work. That involves money paying Bill’s. Buying grocery.


Due to the corona virus i have to watch my kids at home. The price of food these days is crazy and i do not receive government Assistance. Not saying i dont want to feed my kids im just saying they need to get these kids back in school.

Social distancing (Story #365)

The corona virus has impacted my life in a strange way.I work as a busser at a restaurant and is currently unemployed due to social distancing.

Essential work

I work at the bank and due to the virus i have to be very careful with handling money. Germs spread fast through money and I wouldn’t want to take anything back to my home.