I truly believe that the government has a curve in a faster way of quarantining but they just want to tell us macaroni to be in my city is so small I think that this outbreak is causing a big impact in my community and we has worn out we are really not quarantining right way and people are losing their jobs money being lost and people are praying on the government stimulus chats I feel as if we need to come together as a community to talk over things and try to have a better way of quarantining because with his lawnmower cases I dont see us going either longer with the things we are doing
Motivation: --
1 (Story #671)
I can’t go to work, in able to visit my friends or family. When I go to the supermarket prices are higher than normal. A lot of items are unavailable in the stores and on line.BS2020AC
Hi Im from Miami Florida I go to school at UCFHi Im from Miami Florida I go to school at UCF him for the bills see you I hope this year coronavirus dont impact my football season due to the counseling NBA season I would like to play my singing year I truly believe that coronavirus has put outbreak and put a pause on the world freezing everything NFL and NBA season has been a whole NFL has been questionable in college football has taken a toll that Ive been online classes sense since the virus has hit around the world and I dont even like taking online classes I just hold everything and get right within the next two months thats well
Corona (Story #655)
Coronavirus has any impact in my community a lot shops stores restaurants has been closed things are starting to open it slowly but they still going back a lot a bit cases work
Lost (Story #656)
Hello my name Raymond and I feel as if coronavirus has struck the wrong fast I truly believe that this virus has impacted a lot of folks across the room alarm many people have died because it is bars and they have taken a toll on Panna Road I feel as many people has thought it wasnt that serious but now as a bigger picture been two months under quarantine and I have open mini eyes sorry for the families that have lost
The Impact of the Corona Virus on a College Student
The corona virus has impacted my life in the way that I have been unable to attend church regularly on Sundays nor Youth Group on Fridays and I really miss it. Also, it has been difficult in the transition to online learning last Spring semester, but it has gotten better now at the start of my Summer semester. Also, I really miss going out to play soccer with my friends and eat at restaurants, however, I am thankful for the precautions that the government has taken to keep us safe.
FAU needs to do better
The impact has been one of stress and financial implications. I think that FAU could be better with assisting their students who are impacted by changing the grading policy. Essentially we were billed the same way as if we were under normal conditions, and the help they offered in allowing students to change to a pass/fail process, did not help at all for the students who plan to continue to graduate school. Also, I wish to state that if school is opening on an in person basis for the fall, I will not register. I hope that the online format will continue to be an option for the students who may be susceptible for the corona virus.
Corona (Story #643)
2020 coronavirus has put out a big outbreak on the entire world shown down majority of all companies restaurants and everything every day it was at a pause for a good month or two I stay in store and open up Corentine became a major problem with people in their communities a lot of virus has been spread it a lot of cases are still pending many people were covered in many people lost their loss actually think that coronavirus affected my life by the big impact in my community we have a big case in my community in my town is so small I wont like me to come and go to as one to try to help out each other with quarantining.
Coronavirus continues to impact my life due to the schools being closed down, as well as the colleges. I am an Academic Tutor as well as an Afterschool Counselor, when the schools closed down the pay stopped due to not clocking in as I would before the pandemic. Its hard to get help with online courses for me because I have multiple questions that I feel need face to face answers, but I still try to do it to my best ability because this is what I have to work with for now. It sucks because you never realize how much you miss something until missing it is your only option.
The virus has affected me in many ways. I have to get used to a new way of life. Working from home. Wearing masks everywhere I go. Wearing gloves to pump gas. Not being able to shop or eat in restaurants without worrying about whose by me. Not being able to cough in public without everyone looking at me crazy. The new norm is difficult to adapt to. Its a learning process. But I understand that its all for our safety.