Motivation: They are trying to get by

Corona Disaster

The corona virus has changed everything, I can’t work my kids can’t go to school. I am a track coach and our whole season is cancelled this is very hard on me.

Corona vs bills

It impacts my life with my bill without my job I have to find away to pay all my bills that’s the point of me getting a job to pay bill

“Corona Changes”

I’ve become more cautious about what I touch and I even started washing my hands more than I usually do .

Bad virus

By impacting my education also playing football doing what I do and love best

Elderly not forgotten

I am grateful and appreciative for the support of community in ensuring that the elderly are taken care of. Meals are delivered several times a week by various individuals. Neighbors are calling to offer encouragement and comfort. This is specially needed because some elderly ones live aloneOr no longer have relatives leaving nearly by or because of social distancing to care for their needs.


Change. Nobody likes it. Sometimes though, we have to just go with the flow for the greater good of everyone. By no means is it easy being isolated from seeing friends that we’re used to seeing on a weekly basis or not going into work each day. The strange feeling of knowing that you can’t just go to a movie on the weekend or run to the grocery store to pick up one item with out having to put on a mask and gloves…It still seems surreal even after over 60 days of being quarantined at home. I’m used to going bike riding and running with friends. Going solo isn’t the same. I just know we have to have a mindset to carry on as normally as possible so this bad dream will go by faster.

God Grace

I thank God because me and my family still alive bcuz without Him we won’t be here corona virus makes me cherish every moment of life bcuz an a minute u could loose someone you love

With uncertainty comes fear

I’m a bit of a loner and introvert so the social distancing wasn’t that big of deal until I realized I couldn’t give my mom (who suffers from respiratory problems) the usual hug and kiss when I visit her. I also don’t go inside of her home in stand in the yard while she sits on the porch in fear that I may be asymptomatic and infect her with COVID-19. Usually our house is the social gathering spot for all children on the block, because I have a 7-year old, basketball goal and trampoline. My son cried when we moved the basketball goal to the back yard and told him he cannot play with his friends due to the pandemic. He had a meltdown. he was also sad about not being able to go to school and see his classmates in person. He is the social butterfly (unlike his mom, dad, and brother LOL). On a much lighter note, I have never cleaned, cooked, baked, and read more than I have now. Also I have had time to connect more with God, my husband, and sons). I try to look on the bright side no matter what adversity I face. Mentally I have good and bad days but doing my best to practice self-care and thrive. Thank you for listening. Be well

Unemployed Wife

My wife can’t work because she is a school nurse and she isn’t getting paid. She has to P.T.O and when she runs out she can’t get paid anymore. She tried to file for employment but it’s hard for website to process anything. It’s taking along time to receive it’s about the employment kids can’t go to DFYE, pool etc.


Everyday I wake up before I go to work, I have to put on a mask and a pair of gloves. I now carry around hands sanitizer everywhere I go. I keep my distance around other people. This is different than before the virus arrived. I didn’t have to worry about things like this. It is scary.