Solutions: No solutions

A lost senior

Hello I’m a senior. I was so excited for my senior year I understand that all the stuff I payed for wasn’t really anyone’s fault but. Every time I look on the news it’s never about seniors. I was a senior with 27 credits and only needed .5 more to graduate. I’m transitioning into signing up for collage and getting ready to pick my path. And all of this is just being left in the air. No one is telling me what to do or how to get ready for the next step. I’m so afraid of missing something. My dream school is not even a possibility for me anymore because I’m not able to finish the requirements they wanted me to do. I just feel like seniors are being left out of the equation when we are the most affected percentage out of all of this.

Staycation Casa de Parr

Being a foster home, and the schools being closed has brought unexpected stress into our daily lives including our work schedules

10 (Story #40)

This virus has put me in a situation where I have to think about how I’m going to pay my bills my hours at work have been cut and I have kids to take care of but with this Coronavirus our here is putting stress on me a I’m beginning to become depressed . I have to stretch my money so my kids can have a meal and supplies in the house

EJSJB2020 (Story #31)

I have to find funds to fed my family and going to the stores is a scary thing. Work has been slow and when trying to support others it’s hard because of the distance we have to keep

To hardships

My family income due to the virus is impacted as our only source of income is lyft

Financial crisis

It has severely cut the hours I am able to work. I do not receive pay for the hours I am not working. Therefore, it’s caused a lot of anxiety and stress about how bills will be paid long term. I’m wondering how I can get another job in this time of crisis. Even if it means working at McDonalds.

My scarry life

The corona virus impacted my life,I was scheduled for my nclex exam at the end of March.The virus shut off the nursing examination,I was so determined to study.Now,with unemployement stayed everyday at home stressfull watching the news,make me more scared also the future of my children in this world.In my community, the office is shutted down,the people are scared each other.