Story Gallery, Room 2

Recovery (Story #830)

It is bittersweet. It restricts me from being around alot of friends but it also allows me to focus more on my recovery. Last season I got hurt before the first game, so i’m using the time to come back better and stronger
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# 19 He has not even had a phone conversation with his wife

The virus has a steady impact on Mr Clayton. he has not been able to have his weekly visits at Boulevard Manor Nursing Facility since early March. He has not even had a phone conversation with her Mr Kenny is 88 years young and Mrs Clayton will be 88 on December 4.2020. She suffers with a Dementia and has been at the Nursing facility for appx 8 years. He misses his weekly visits with her. He receives meals and fruit on a weekly basis. Mr Kenny and Mrs Pearline have been united in marriage for over 40 years with no…
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#14 There is Nothing We Can Do About It

Cat Hinson says immediately when asked about the affects of the virus It is boring,not use to sittingin the house.!Mrs Hinson has been settled in Boynton Beach since 1969 coming from Belle Glade with her late husband(Phillip and son,Efrem). That’s where quite a few Teachers taught especially African-Americans,Mrs.Hinson stated. She is originally from West Palm Beach. She earned a degree from Bethune-Cookman University. She, just recently, celebrated another year of life turning 85.She misses ushering at church,attending numerous community events. Mrs Hinson still drives and visits her sister,Mary in Riviera Beach on Fridays.Cat hopes it gets netter . her fear…
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I get to spend more time with my dad, who played the position i play. This gives us more time to bond and a chance for me to learn.
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It has allowed me to better myself physically mentally and spiritually.
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# 13 Her Frony Needs A Make-Over It is dangerous to walk over!

Mrs Dowdell just celebrated her 86 birthday on May 19th. She was elated to have a parade of phone calls from her Church in honor of her birthday! Mrs Carmetta lives alone and has for over 20 years. Long ago,she buried her husband and son.She has a niece who lives in Virginia that she can go live with at any time but shy away. Her niece earnestly adores her Aunt. Mrs Dowdell contributed to her receiving a Law Degree. Every August,she travels to Canada to visit her two sisters (78 yrs & 77 yrs), brother(85 yrs) and Grandson. But…
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# 23 Unless We Take Heed

Mrs Annie Moss is a soft spoken 92 year old lady of small stature. She has lived in Port St Luce/Fort Pierce area with her son Jeff for approximately 5 years. Mrs Moss desired to live with her son after a medical illness. Mrs Annie has fears that the virus is here to stay. Unless,we take heed to the masking ,hand washing and staying away from crowds. Mrs Moss has many children and grandchildren living in the immediate area. She was referred to the Faiyh Based CDC for weekly meals starting July 6.
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Half full (Story #798)

Corona virus has bought me closer to my family more than ever before, it cancelled my spring which sucked because I really wanted to prove myself to coach but it’s all good
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I believe that all this is, is fear. You can’t live your life in fear. What is meant to be is meant to be. I can’t wear gloves or a mask, cuz if god wants me gone I’m gonna go. I won’t live my life in fear, cuz your life can all of a sudden…. just stop.
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This virus has been nothing but trouble. It seems like i can’t get nothing right in life at the moment. But i’ll keep on praying and have faith it’s going to get better
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Free us

Corona has sat me and my twin brother at home this was supposed to be a big year for us both, I feel like they need to just let us go back to school because corona isn’t even thought of right now with all of this going on
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I like the break the virus has created. Yet I do miss football but I’m glad we got this break so i can just vibe
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# 25 We Need To Be Running To Chruches With Powerful Prayers

Mr Leonard Thompson says that this a wake-up call to all Christians. America is in serious troubleAll Churches were closed. Gods doors were closed . We needed to be running to the Churches to pray powerful prayers His Church Lakeside Baptist never closed. At this time,Mr Thompson says he doesn’t need any assistance.
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A husband needing assistance

Hello. My name is Leroy Merchant and I am a husband who’s wife (Fabiola) is currently battle a diagnosed of stage 4 ovarian and colon cancer and also raising two teenage boys. My mother suffered a stroke in June who also needs my help. Life took us for a ride back in October last year when my wife was diagnosed and my mother’s stroke. Then on March I became unemployed due to Covid19 and it has been a struggle not only before but became more in March, being home have giving me an opportunity to take care of my wife…
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No Schooling

Now I focus only football, cause i don’t have any classes. If there wasn’t Covid, I’ll prolly be in summer school right.
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Society is down bad

Brought me closer to the fam, I get to work on all my skills a little more, corona really isn’t what I’m thinking about about tho because racial injustice is much more important
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# 17 A combined imcome of $8556.00

Mrs Wilkins was very disappointed to learn that she and her husband would not be getting a stimulus check. It can be hard to make ends meet for them. The Wilkins make a combined yearly income of $8556.00. They manage with the assistance of their Son(who resides in Atlanta,Ga)
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#who cares

First of all it’s frustrating being afraid to go outside. People are still not wearing masks. I try my best to make it back before 11:30 ,but I can’t do that with all this black lives matter stuff. People just don’t care anymore.
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My life has been pretty good so far. I mean i do miss football but i’ve been working out and doing what i usually do. I’ve been exploring my town and doing new things with my family
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Mrs Lovenia Bea McCray has been living and caring for her Father, Elmore,96. as if he and she are husband and wife. There are times she says that he needs chastising. His panic attacks are severe until she walks in the door from out doing chores…five minutes later he is on the phone laughing and joking to the best of his abilities. Mrs Bea was scheduled to take a trip to Jonesboro,Ga to celebrate the High School graduation of her granddaughter the end of June from Elite Scholars Academy. Her granddaughter,Tamara,attends the #1 ranked High School in Clayton County. Tamara…
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Since the virus hit, my life has been pretty chill. I workout when i want and don’t have to wake up early to do so. I don’t have no one yelling in my face. The only downfall is that I cant play football right now.
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# I’m woke Nigga

In my opinion this ain’t nothing but scare tactics. The government tryna scare us into spending money on stupid s*** like toilet paper.
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# 18 She hails from Lake Wales,FL

Mrs Eva Bowers is a divorced 79 year old, She has become a pastor in the AME church. And she is a white woman. Mrs Bowers has lived in Alaska,South Dakota,Clewiston and Belle Glade as a public school Teacher with 4 children to raise. She recalls it being tough with those 3 boys and 1 guide them on the right path as a single Parent. She is a Florida girl and hails from Lake Wales Florida. Mrs Bowers,brother William Keen,passed in 2011 as a 5th generational Rancher. Since his passing,Mrs Bowers is a partial owner of lots of acres…
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# 20 He is Cute

Mrs Lillie,88, says that she cannot go to Church nor Wal-Mart. She has lost a cousin Lue Green,66 to the virus. Mrs Darville is proud to say that she beat one of the deadliest cancers Pancreatic Cancer.She cares for her only son,Virgil Darville,56,,who is paralyzed. He is as independent as he can be. you might see him in his motorized chair riding around Boynton Beach.Mrs Darville talks about how we are being punished the cause and effect of hatred and cruelty towards each other. She enjoys watching CNN with Don Leonard. He is cute
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Let it stop

I can’t believe how long this has been going on. I’m ok I go where I need to. The only thing I really concerned with, is when the open up the beaches again. I just hope that number doesn’t go any higher.
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With the flow

i’ve just been going with the flow and keeping cool. the only problem i’ve had is trying to keep busy so that i don’t die of boredom
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big body

It really only changed the amount I workout. I probably workout 3x as much as i would normally.
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Life During Covid19

The corona virus has financially impacted my family. Throughout the course of Covid19, I’ve spent a very large amount of money in continuing hopes of feeding my family at home and making sure that they’re clothes are clean. Due to stock markets failing and stores running out of certain products, it is difficult to get certain things such as cleaning products, toilet paper, paper towel, etc. Many people are also making sure that they’re supporting their loved ones, so they’re buying so much things leaving almost none for the next person. It’s also been a really tough time for me…
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Mrs Everlene Baker is a 72 year old divorced woman. She was born and raised in Boynton Beach,Mrs Baker is the proud Mother of one(1) daughter. Her daughter teaches English at Lake worth High. And she is the very honored to have a beautiful granddaughter, Miya, Miya attends PBState College with hopes of attending and cheerleading for Florida State.After Mrs Baker suffered her second stroke. She suggested to her friend from Barbados that she comes to live with her for six month of the year. This arrangement gives Everlene a small amount of home care and companionship. For Everlene had…
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# 11… The Freedom Just Isn;t There To Do Like You Wanna

Dan White is a single 69 years old. He was born and raised in Boynton Beach.He loves his community and he has proven it by volunteering with organizations that are close to his beliefs. Dan is a College Graduate and takes no jokes about being a FAMU rattler. He says that the pandemic has been very threatful to Boynton Beach for everyone that has transitioned as a result of the Virus.He has known each one of them since childhood . Dan lives in a retirement community. Dan,sadly,mentions that he has no social life. The freedom just isn’t there to do…
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# 12 I Have Never Seen Such Times As These

Mrs Ginger is a recent widow who was also born and reared in Boynton Beach. Mrs Ginger taught Elementary school during segregation and integration. She says she has continuously witnessed turbulent time with the various protest and virus. Mrs Colebrooks says she has never seen such times as these. She’s still in rehab with her fractured hip . She has two adult daughters taking great care if her.Mrs Colebrooks can use any financial assistance available to her.
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In need of help

I recently have been going through a lot I’m behind in my water bill I have 5 kids with me I been laid off of work and don’t have any income coming in.
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Oh well

I’m happy this virus happened lol I’m sorry about the fatalities but I didn’t want to be at school and I don’t really hang around with my teammates, t the virus is the last thing we’re worried about now as we can see
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# 24 She is Determined To Walk

Ms Shirley Owens has lived in Boynton Beach since July of 1992. Shirley is determined to walk, She has suffered two strokes. Immediately after.her strokes in 2017. She was wheelchair bound. Mrs Shirley has come to terms with her prosthetic eye. She is involved with one of the best Health Care Systems in Palm Beach County PACE. Mrs Owens is very high spirited and a real conversationalist.especially those talks involving her son. Mrs Shirley’s son retired from the Navy 5 years ago. He is now employed with the California Sheriff’s Office as a leader in Cold Cases. Mrs…
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Only down fall i can remember from this virus is not having a chance to see my teammates one more time before I transferred.
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My Strength

It was scary not knowing how we would take care of and provide for our families. Especially when not all creditors were willing to work with you. Going from consistent financial means to zero so fast was alarming to say the least. It shocked us. Our family became homeless and divided up and living in separate places which was extremely tough for all us and praying and hoping we were safe and not exposed to viruses of any sort actually. It weighed on us emotionally financially mentally, etc. Not having the means and not knowing when or what you were…
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Limited (Story #840)

The only thing changed is not being able to see my Dad side of the family as much as I use to. I live with my mom and my dad lives 1 hour away. I use to go every weekend but now they both are scared for me to travel with the fear of contracting the virus.
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Stuck (Story #836)

The virus had me stuck in the bahamas because my people are too scared of me to fly back to Miami
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On the Morning of March 25th, Mr Heath was making breakfast for he and his wife(Susie) While he was preparing sausage and eggs.Mr Heath overheard Mrs Heath repeating the 23rd psalm. He walked back into the room and shook Mrs Heath to let Mrs Susie know that breakfast was ready. MR HEATH IMMEDIATELY CALLED 911 as well as her 2 sisters(Mary and Carolyn) Who live in the Heart of Boynton. The sisters arrived at the home expeditiously awaiting 911. Mrs Susie died as a result of the Virus. Mr Heath was called back to the hospital for testing…
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A caring husband

In my story covid19 and my wife being diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian and colon cancer. With her not working and me unable to work due to Covid have placed us in a bind. Please assist
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# 15 I Don’t Sit Around Waiting For Nobody To Do Nothing For Mattie Wallace

Mrs Wallace boastfully states that on September 01,I will be 93 years old! It is with that being said,Do you think that we should do something special for her? Mrs Wallace says that she has never had a hospital stay and she and her adult children are trying to make sure that she doesn’t have one with this virus.This is awful for the Country and everywhere else! I go out to buy grocery and doctor visits only!Just make sure you keep your hands clean and wear a mask. Mrs Wallace is still in charge of her home(where she has…
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#21 She called Me Today

Mrs Erma Christie,89. called me today. She called to let me know that things just have not changed for her. Mrs Christie say that she was out on Friday> This was a visit to an orthopedic surgeon for an opinion on hip surgery. She has agreed to have this surgery. I spoke with her on her resilience and determination to conquer anything adverse situation. Mrs Christie comes from Jamaica and is very rooted in her culture. She and her daughter,Yvonne Jack, have lived together for many years. Ms Jack recently retired from Morse Life. She is currently working a part-time…
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It made my life so boring, all i literally do is play the game, workout, or on facetime. I want to facetime literally, in person.
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Corona virus has helped me more than hurt me, my body gets to heal I’ve had a lingering shoulder injury so now I get to let that heal. I am sad that I can’t be at school around all my teammates and friends but I hope we get a cure and they don’t cancel the football season nor push it back
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Triple C

Only thing or way corona virus has effected me is by having me work from home which is harder for me because I lose focus but hopefully we can get a cure and everything opens back up
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My life hasn’t changed at all really. Other than not being at school, I still do the same thing i would if there wasn’t a virus, maybe it is because i’m not very social
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THe virus cause something I love to be taken away from me, football. Its starting to get hard training for something that might not happen. It caused a little depression.
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Corona virus has sent all my friends back home since I am from where my school is. We didn’t get to have a graduation but other than that everything is still normal here people aren’t even worried about covid anymore
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Family time (Story #765)

Corona has really impacted my life, my mother is out of work the only good thing I get out of it is the time spent with my family
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Cancel 2020

Corona virus ended my spring, this spring was when I was supposed to show coach I could play. We’re not able to go back to school yet but other schools are and there isn’t a cure so corona virus sucks and now the world is going crazy
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When will this all end. I’m all cooped up in my house. I’m ready to leave this dumb house. The only time I am happy is with the senior program and they shit that down.
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Strange Virus

Corona had impacted my life in a very strange way, I did get to graduate since it was in December, I got my dream job but I’m not even able to work because Of the virus sadly.
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#god is good

I be having these body problems cuz all this weed I be smok’in. Since the corona virus came they let my a** off so.. you know what that means. I got so high (he went on for an hour straight then he told me he has a disability he has seizures and then he started talking about god )
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Corona really sucked and it’s keeping my family out of work and me away from football I feel like my life is ruined.
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Covid 19 has allowed to do something I wanted to do for awhile, and that is get a job. The reason I wanted one is because there is a lot of stuff I want but it is not going to come for free. I could ask my mom but I don’t like the feeling. So now I can provide for myself and her a little.
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On the good side, I can now spend more time with my daughter and perfect my craft. I’m using this time to make sure I have the best season possible.
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Not that bad

Corona has given me time to work on my game and the things I lacked, haven’t really affected me negatively besides not being in school
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