I was released from my university and forced to obtain a full time night shift job. I got this job because my mother need assistance with my other 5 siblings who had also been released from their educational institutions. It is unfair, and uncomfortable to not be able to receive my education anymore.
Vulnerable: NA
My immediate family has been impacted financially across the board. As of yet, we have not suffered any sickness from the pandemic. I really miss seeing and hugging family members. We video chat frequently but its nowhere near the same. My hours were greatly affected at my job. And because of the uncertainty of when I would work next, I had to scurry around to come up with another solution to try and stay afloat money wise . That, along with being a full time mother of a 7 year old with autism who I now have to do distant learning with, has been really tough. I am trying to maintain a positive mindset and my sanity but it is truly difficult. It has been a scary ordeal for me, not so much due to the actual virus, but for the panic/fear surrounding it from others. Im not a homebody so as a person who is used to going places, being hunkered down for this time actually made me appreciate time I get out to go to work.
I cant go nowhere and I have to Be in the house all day.
Covid 19 changed the way people walk around. On my way to florida, we had to wear a mask all from North Carolina.
Limited (Story #590)
The virus causes limitations. This is the first time im visiting Belle Glade/Pahokee, and all ive been is in the house. I was hoping to explore more than i seen
The new norm
Its required me work remotely full-time. Im truly understanding the importance of being technologically knowledgeable and adaptable. Being able to change with the time is important.
Inspirational Quotes
I rely on inspirational quotes to get me through uncertain times. When I feel like I am having a weak moment, I will read my collection of quotes out loud as they offer easily accessible truth, insight, and perspective.Small scraps of paper and post-it notes can be found throughout my home, a small and worthy collection you might say. Here are a few that I would like to share with you.Do not allow the future to trouble your mind – Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but never gets you anyway – Erma BombeckThis too shall pass – Rumi
My job has completely stopped. I have been out of work for about 2 weeks, and been living off my savings and stimulus check. This money was suppose to be used for my daughter car as award. This sucks
No change
The virus really did not effect me that much, other having to wear a mask and gloves while im at work. I never really hung around a large group of people so social distancing was easy. I really see no difference
My story (Story #560)
The coronavirus has clearly affected everyone in so many way. In my case, I have had a lot of time to truly think about myself. Before this pandemic started, I was not in the best mental state. I had a lot of family problems and really needed a break from all of it. While the quarantine is making me stay home with my family, I have a lot of time to decompress and focus on me and what really matters. Family problems still happen but I feel I am able to cope with it all a little better due to the time I have to really think.