Story Gallery, Room 1


Hi, I’m Juanita Hernandez I couldn’t pay my bill this month because I’ve had a hard time since my two sons moved out. They used to help me out but I also became disabled and I cannot work. I have fibsios of the lungs, I’m always in chronic pain. Also, I have a case pending with social security but they haven’t approved me yet. It’s been hard on me and my family. I have a seven year old son, his father died three years ago of cancer and he used to help me out. My older kid’s father also passed…
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EJSJB2020 (Story #NA)

When Covid-19 was first being pushed into the American news stream in March 2020 I was a sophomore in high school getting ready for spring break with my friends. Around this time people’s emotions were very mixed, some of us were freaking out 2020 had already been so chaotic (We had a World War 3 scare, several celebrities had died, storms were hitting, etc.). Some of us weren’t all that concerned especially us Floridians. Every year we get storm scares and the like, overtime we’ve adapted so that most of the time it’s hard for the mainstream news to…
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# 33 Kayleen Is a Neighbor and Maria’s Caregiver with no cost attached

Mrs Maria is a 77 year young widow for nearly 2 years. She is only fluent in Spanish. So, therefore,Kayleen tel# has been given to you for a better understanding. Maria has been affliliated with the CCC for ten years. Her daughter,Yolanda, works full-time. Kayleen is a neighbor and Maria’s caregiver with no cost attached.Mrs Maria slipped and fractured her hip in February.Mrs Maria is doing well with her physical therapist that comes to her home. She is walikng unassisted at times. CDC will bring her healthy meals beginning July 6.Mrs Maria will need assistance with her Electric and Water.
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# 30 She Is Delighted To Be Receiving $195 in Food stamps

Mrs Janet Harris (80) is a native of Michigan. Mrs Janet came to Boynton Beach nearly 30 years ago to raise her son and daughter.Mrs Janet says she has worked 3 jobs to finally pay off her home in Boynton . She has had cousins in Michigan die from this pandemic.Mrs Harris says she reflects on home and misses it so during times like these.She is delighted to be receiving $195 in Food Stamps monthly.Mrs harris could use assistance with her water utility.
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# 38 Mrs Green Says She Is Doing Her

Mrs Clara Green has been widowed for 35 years young. She has a vibrancy that will knock you off your feet! Mrs Green says that she is Doing Her at 76 years young! The Leadership opened the community too soon. And things are getting worse. Just take a look at Boynton beach a designated HOTSPOT!My advice is the Leadership should have allowed things to cool down.It is keeping the death toll on the rise.She has acquired a brand new lexus and she hasn’t driven it far at all, call her for a ride!Mrs Green has been widowed 35 years.
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Times call for buying a Gun

Through the year, I’ve been thinking about my home, safety, unrest, what I would do if someone broke in at night. I hadn’t shot or owned a gun in over 20 years but went to a concealed carry course the other day and am looking for a gun to put in a safe place in the house only I can access in case the worst happens.
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EJSJB2020 (Story #NA)

The Year 2020 has been a roller coaster for me, due to COVID-19 I lost my job and it started to get hard for me to provide for myself or my family, on top of that my mother tested positive for Covid, I spent most of my time taking care of her and making sure she gets better. Even though the majority of the year wasn’t the best, I remained positive and still found a way to keep a smiled on my face, and that’s by surrounding myself with family and friends and always trying to turn this bad situation…
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1 (Story #879)

It has impacted me in ways of not able to work, due to no school so therefore no one to keep my son while i work.
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The pandemic has cost me my job. It has made life difficult to provide for my two daughters. One that is a college student and one that is a rising senior. The Virus made life difficult because of the many bills and the shortage of money/food coming in for my family. It is also negative because many jobs are scarce because of COVID-19.
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My Story (Story #938)

My StoryI am Janette Lopez, I’m a single mother. I live with my mother, sister and 12 year old son. We all four caught the virus covid 19. Till this day we are still recovering. Unfortunately, I’m not able to work yet because I am still sick and taking medications. My family and I are very grateful for this foundation. Thank you for paying my previous month’s rent. And for continuing to support my family and I through the month of June. I am very grateful, Thank you for everything. –Janette Lopez
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Tree Stump to a Palm Tree

Coronavirus has made a drastic effect on my life but I won’t allow it to defeat me. Earlier this year, I was overjoyed with the news of becoming a father. With my hands tied with school, college requirements, also football workouts; I knew I hand to make a stand for what was to come “my unborn child” . Sacrificing my studying and mental relaxation time, I went out to find a job. When sudden pandemic changes came into affect, I was devastated. My job shut us out and we didn’t know what day we would return. With little to no…
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My Story (Story #945)

This is the story about how my family and I have been affected by covid-19. On July 15, 2020 my wife Carmen Rodriguez, and I Roberto Martinez became sick. We were having high fever, muscular pain, loss of appetite and sense of smell. My wife was getting worst, I had to take her to the emergency room. On July 21, 2020. The doctors diagnosed pneumonia in her left lung and lack of oxygen. The doctors started a treatment on her. Since we do not have any type of health insurance we are drowning in debt. I have been using my…
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My story (Story #NA)

When corona first started i had to start working 1 day a week because my store was slow, the only reason i was able to provide for me and my kids was because of my boyfriend lyfe , but on October 10, 2020 he was shot and killed , the person who killed him didn’t know lyfe it was wrong place wrong time , its been almost 2 months since then and now day by day i have to struggle to put food on the table for my kids or how im going to pay the bills . Before lyfe…
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Palm Health story

The request for assistance comes from the lack of funds available to cover the rent due to an injury I suffered and put me out of work for over 3 weeks. I injured my shoulder which left me unable to work and left a big gap in our income. My wife also being pregnant and due to the current pandemic being unable to work, puts us in a tight squeeze in order to make the payment possible. We would kindly appreciate any assistance which can be provided in order to make the payments due. Thank you so much for your…
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EJSJB2020 (Story #NA)

COVID 19 has made an impact on me and my family. We’ve been struggling to keep up with our bills and provide for my family and I. My hours at work have been cut back due to COVID and I don’t get paid as much as I did before COVID. So trying to provide everything for my family is kinda hard.
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The Helper Needs Help

For me COVID-19 has been one of those life events that creeps in slowly, unaware of the toll it will take until the damage has been done. I am one of those people that looks out for others and takes care of everyone else before I take care of myself. This global pandemic has taught me that behaviors like that take the largest toll because you don’t see the consequences until they’re upon you. In March, at the beginning of quarantine my first priority were my mom & my son. My son was quarantined at home with me and my…
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Covid Hardship

I Francisca Maria Meza Lopez, am not working. My husband works three to four days per week, due to the covid-19 pandemic he’s not working often. Please forgive me for bothering you regarding this matter, but i need help. i have three children, two boys and a girl that’s one month old. I am in need of diapers, baby wipes, food and detergent to wash their clothes etc. Please forgive me for asking this way but i need your help. God bless you.
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My life in the struggle

My struggles started when I lost my child on October 1,2019, my world was turned upside down then this pandemic it does not make anything better my son contracted the COVID-19 and also my cousin who I’m currently living with so it was real scary not knowing what to expect but I prayed and asked God to give me the strength to go through what this pandemic has to offer. Let me back up a little when I lost my daughter I behaved in a lot of my bills .
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Education in the world

This virus scared me and helped me realize more is going on in the world than I know. It showed me I was unprepared for the change and the time. I experienced unemployment. It was not pleasant. The lesson I learned in life was I need to research what’s going on in the world and to be more responsible and cautious. I would consider the virus negative because of the horrible effects of it but I would also consider it positive because it is causing people to wake up and come together as a whole, while practicing social distancing.
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Tough Times

Immigration/Covid-19My name is Yadira, I have 5 children. Ages 16, 11, 9, 5 and 2 years old. Immigration detained me and my husband back in November 2019. I was in immigration detention for 2 weeks, my brother took care of my kids during this time. Once I was released, I was forced to use an ankle bracelet. My husband was detained for 2 months and then deported to Mexico. I am providing for my kids by myself. Before the covid-19 outbreak I used to work cleaning houses. But due to the virus I haven’t been able to work. Everybody is…
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# 27

Mr Percival Rowe is a 80 year old native of Jamaica. He and his wife Vinnette(59) live in a modest apartment in a hotspot in Boynton Beach. Mr Rowe says that the pandemic He doesn’t know if there will ever be a cure to this.Mr Rowe and Mrs Rowe still work for a living.i will take facial coverings by their residence.Any assistance given would be appreciated!
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No Track. No soccer.

The corona virus affected my life because it cut off my track season for school and soccer season for the AYSO organization. I know have to work twice as hard to get a track scholarship to schools and now have limited school options because many colleges/universities cut their track programs.
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COVID 19 struggle

The beginning of 2020 started of great and then as we got more and more into 2020 everything went down hill. COVID 19 came around and changed everything. My family and I have been struggling ever since. Bills have been piling up and hours have been cut from our jobs so we’re not making as much money. We make it work here and there but sometimes it gets hard and we can’t make it work. We need some other form of financial assistance to help provide for me and my family.
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# 36 She Doesn’t hink the Virus Will Ever Go Away

Carol Woodside is an 82 years young native of Kentucky. She has lived in Boynton Beach for over 20 years.Ms Carol has trouble with the use of her legs. So her,mobility, is or can be an issue. ms Woodside continuously has Doctor’s visit to find the cause of her leg issues.She lives alone and never gives up on her just cause.She doesn’t think the virus will ever go away< And she has nw figured out that when she needs to go somewhere she has to go. Ms Woodside has no living relatives in the area.Ms Carol had an issue…
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Covid-19 affected my life by causing me to have a virtual graduation and have my football season end on the wrong foot. Because of this pandemic, I was not working out with my workout partner in the gym. It also scared me of my grand-parents life since they are in the age range.
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No Title

The pandemic caused me to lose my job and cause me to have depression and anxiety. Being alone is one of the things I do not like about the pandemic. I like being around people because that was one of the ways I copped with my anxiety and depression. I would say that it has gotten worse since the lock-down started.
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#29 The Seniors Did What They Asked Of Them

Mr Angelo Perruccio comes to Boynton Beach from upstate New York with his wife (Faith).Mr Angelo was proud to share that his Granddaughter(from their daughter who died) will deliver twin boys in November. What delight that brought to their voices.The Perruccio’s says that the Seniors did what was asked of them. It appears that no other generations were listening to the Leadership following the rules in this pandemic They opened up everything now look what has happened!!!! The entire Palm Beach County is pretty much a hotspot! The Perrucio’s must be careful during this epidemic. They…
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The virus caused me to experience unemployment. I was unable to get/maintain a job during this time. I am also stuck at home without anything to do. I don’t like going out with masks as well. It just makes it harder to breathe and talk in them.
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Corona (Story #910)

Hello my name is Michelle Rhoden since Corona had came along I had been forced to leave my job to watch my grand baby my husband work all day and he manage to pay all bills for the house due to me having no income coming in I have a hard time paying for things that we need for the house baby clothes and diapers. I would love to be able to help my husband out for our household I have no help from my daughter what’s so ever.
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Corona vs Humans

The Coronavirus Have Impacted My Life While I Was In College. Coronavirus Has Stopped My From Going To College For The Following Spring Semester. It Also Stopped Me From Running Track My First Year Of College. After They Sent Us Home It Was Hard To Find A Job. I Couldn’t Pay For My Phone Bill. I Couldn’t Workout With Friends Without Being Protected Because You Never Know Who Has It. Coronavirus Separated Me From My Friends And Family. It Has Cancelled All Vacation Plans I Wanted To Go To And Still Want To Go.
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# 40 She Walks From the Front Door to the Back Door

Mrs Ovida Denson is 86 years young. Ms Ovida is a retired Teacher. She doesn’t go out for anything. Maurice Denson ,61,lives with his mother. And he is in charge of all errands.The City of Boynton Beach pool is named after her late husband .She says that she sits in the house daily with nothing but T.V. And She walks from the front door to her back door all day.The pandemic has will keep her from attending her beloved BCU alumni meetings,Retired Teacher’s Meetings and church.
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# 34

Ms Carmen Cirillo is a 74 years young who is fluent in Spanish .However, She can communicate in English. Ms carmen has spent the last 17 years caring for her son’s daughter (17) and son(15).This has come to a halt with her 17 year old Granddaughter. The Granddaughter is expecting baby number 2 January 2021. She has an 18 month old. All though, they spent alot of time at Ms Carmen’s home. The Granddaughter and baby(18mos) live with the expectant Father.Ms Carmen goes grocery shopping once a month and anything else she needs her older daughter will get it for…
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Traversing Uncharted Spaces

2020 was a year of FORCED creativity as a result of a global health pandemic causing entire countries to shelter at home to prevent the spread of the virus. While shut in at our homes, we witnessed the horrific murder of Mr. George Floyd, a Black man, at the hands of a White police officer which erupted in a racial pandemic which has been suppressed as a result of hundreds of Black lives taken, senselessly. In addition, there was an emergence of technological advancements, proficiencies, and accelerated growth as we shifted our minds and hearts to execute the…
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# 28 Our Hands Are Cuffed

Miss King is also a lifelong resident of Boynton Beach. Jackie had her house built next door to the home where she was raised. Her sister,Angela, lived in the family home(next door to hers) until 2018. Angela died in the home. Jackie is still reeling the affects of her sister’s death. You ,very seldom ,saw one without the other.Jackie volunteered with the CCC delivering Healthy Meals to seniors,visits them in nursing facilties and hospitals and Jackie is very passionate about the care and self-worth! Mrs King transports them to pick-up medication and grocery shopping.Jackie has two sons Selwyn(39) and…
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Covid-19 (Story #943)

I Carmela Herrera, have gone through a hard situation. I am 65 years old I live by myself I was in the process of moving out because I cant afford to pay the rent where I live. Unfortunately I was infected with the virus back in June. I was very sick and was hospitalized for almost 3 weeks. I was connected to the oxygen the whole time. After 3 weeks I was released. I couldn’t work, I had to stay home for another 3 weeks before I was to start working. I am behind in my bills, and need some…
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My testimony

well I really don’t know where to start. In March I was laid off do to corona… totally devastated. My son and I were in a world of trouble. In May I found out had cancerous cells on my cervix, also had a special procedure to stop the growth (painful), also in May I suffered 2nd degree burns in my back. In June I suffered a stroke,and it affected my right side slightly. Neurologist suggested I shouldn’t drive until further notice. While in the pandemic and me being in the hospital, my son who suffers from mental illness, attempted…
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Ms. Kayleen Marti lives in Boynton Beach. She is 37 years old. Kayleen has a 2 year old son. He is very active.Ms Marti takes care of her older her neighbors.Kayleen is a graduate of FCC in cosmetology. She hasn’t taken the licensed yet.Ms Marti says she doesn’t have adequate childcare.She earns extra money by cleaning others homes on Monday and Friday. Ms Marti is very conscientious of the pandemic and she pratice social distancing.Kayleen Marti needs assistance with her ELECTRIC and WATER.
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Struggling through the pandemic

My household is made up of my four children ages 11,8,4 and 7 month old along with my husband and I. I stay home to take care of the kids while my he works. My husband works in landscaping, but his hours have been shortened more and more due to the pandemic. This has left us unable to catch up or pay rent. He has been trying to find work and was able to work twenty three days but his boss did not pay him for the work he did so now we are six months behind in rent. This…
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# 31

Brenda Lowe was born and raised in Boynton Beach some 71 years ago. She is married to Eddie Mr Lowe is very cool and mellow.When you see one you pretty much see the other. They enjoy walks,fishing and babysitting their grandchild.Mr Lowe’s are both diabetics. They will have delivered meals from Faith Based CDC BEGINNING July 6.The Lowe’s are willing to except any assistance for water and electric.
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Living between homes while taking care of family.

I live in a single family home. I had to move my mother in with me due to her lease being up during the covi-19. We have been unable to find a new place for because of the coco-19 which has caused our area to be closed to a number of months. Our Realitor was closed as well as any office businesses for apt complexes. Because I had to move in my mother, I am now living between two homes due to the lack of space in my single family, already over crowded home. My husband stays with his mother…
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It Gets Better Later

The corona virus has impacted my life by ruining my senior year i couldn’t really enjoy school for the remaining of the year we didn’t have no senior prom , grad bash , And most importantly not even graduation. Corona virus even killed one of my close friend mom it was a devastating moment because it came out of no where and it was to late to even cherish the last moment we had with her . It continues to impact my life because the world has been caged in and it’s like you can’t enjoy life no more .
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Teachers care during the pandemic

The corona virus continues to impact my life as I am a preschool teacher. Extra work and measures are taken to keep the facility clean and running smoothly. As teachers we work together to keep the children and parents worry free and happy.
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Trusting God through it all.

Corona virus has impacted my life for the bad as well as the good. I’ve been out of work twice and hours have been cut. Me being a felon makes it even harder due to jobs being limited which had me wondering how would I pay bills and take care of my responsibilities. Now I’m witnessing my little cousin who has asthma suffer greatly which is hurting my heart. Despite the bad that has occurred the one good thing that has happened to me, is me witnessing how good God is. He has shown me all I ever have…
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Vera Jenkins had an emergency procedure on May 29th .It involved her intestines being wrapped around her stomach. She is currently living with her Granddaughter, Tamika Hadley, who is providing care for her. She has lost her husband and 2 adult children within a five year span.Mrs Jenkins has triumphed over those tragedies stronly holding on to God’s hand.She has a 2 year old Great-Grand,Imani, Whom she calls her own. Arriving in Boynton Beach,, Mrs Vera has lived here since the 1960’s. Mrs Vera married a brother as well as her sister I enjoy her her oul dish of…
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Hope still lives

During the pandemic I had to stop working but my husband continued to work. Since we were living on one paycheck we couldn’t pay our bills or even take care of basic necessities like food and gas. But youth empowered to prosper started a food pantry that helped us soo much that we didnt need to buy food. We could focus our funds on paying Bill’s and etc. I then started to volunteer because of how they have helped my family. and assist others with getting food. though I filed for both unemployment and food stamps but…
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# 35 I Would Buy The Movie Tickets And They Would Buy The Popcorn

Ms Cleveta Robinson is a 73 year old single woman with a strong constitution. She is a native of Jamaica. Cleveta says she is following the rules for this pandemic. She has been COVID-19 tested Mrs Robinson says that she has warned her family members about the impact of this pandemic and hopes that they take heed. Mrs Robinson enjoys early morning walks and hearing the birds sing. Although, Cleveta would enjoy some romance in her life, She says I would buy the movie tickets and they would buy the popcorn,NOT GOOD!SHE COULD USE ASSISTANCE WITH HER ELECTRIC AND…
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# 32 Mrs Moody Is 90 Years Young

Ms Moody id suffering with the onset of a cognitive impairment. She lives alone. And solely depends on the neighborhood and her church to get by. Ms Moody is 90 years young. She loves asisiting with Senior and Church gatherings.You can see her riding around her community on her scoote dsily as well as going to the local store.The pandemic she says stays its distance from her.Please assist this 90 year old jewel with Electric and Water.
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Living for my sister

post covid my sister was incarcerated and left her 4 kids out in the world im a braider so business got slow and unfortunately I caught covid19 still while tryin to maintain n care for my nieces and nephews things got really hard but couldn’t loose hope and through prayer and family help we made it threw.
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Covid 19 impact

Corona virus impacted my life in a major way , 38 weeks pregnant and had no idea I was a victim ! I went to the hospital because of Severe cramps to the stomach and body Aches I knew something wasn’t right ! I got admitted to labor and delivery after 13 hours of waiting still not knowing what’s wrong but my baby was not accelerating at the correct pace even more nervous I contact my children father because now I feel alone and helpless telling him to pack his bag and the things we will need for…
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My grandfather had a stroke and was in the hospital for 15 days, only my grandmother could visit because of covid restrictions. I have three younger sisters, all who do online school, while my grandmother was visiting my grandfather during the day, I had to watch my sisters. It was an extremely stressful time and he still isn’t 100% recovered.
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Keeping my daddy safe..

I missed 3 weeks of work when it first started because of all the uncertainties. My father has severe asthma. He is also COPD. I care for him and was afraid I would catch it and bring it to him. He is already having a difficult time. My daughter is also asthmatic.I work as a transit driver for mentally and physically disabled individuals. Its impossible to not come in contact with them. Some dont understand that they must wear a mask and constantly takes it off. I transport individuals in wheelchairs and on walkers who need my hands on assistance.
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# 26 She has served her community well

Mrs Schley is lifelong resident of Boynton Beach and a proud ST Paul AME member whose Aunt sold the present property to the church for $10 in 1951.. She has also served in the pulpit as a Minister at ST Paul AME.Mrs Mildred lost her youngest child ,Vernell (37) in August 1996. She was left with 4 sons and 1 daughter. Mrs Schley has served her community well as a beautician(mine as a child),a paraprofessional at one of the local Elementary schools near her home. Mrs Mildred walked to work.When you heard her laughter you could point to…
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Good and Bad

Covid-19 made a significant impact on my life by having all the stores rise the price on good. I am unemployed and since there are high demands on hand sanitizer, toilet paper, paper towels, Clorox disinfecting wipes, Lysol disinfectant spray, and masks, I am unable to provide as much safety for my family. Customers/consumers are not allowed to go into stores or get served if we do not have a mask on, which sucks because I sometimes forget to bring my mask with me every time I need to go out for groceries or accessories. It’s also negative because I…
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Well, I witness how we all came together as a community and help each other get through these difficult times. I am forever grateful and i am so thankful and happy to be apart of this amazing community.
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Living through Covid

Covid has impacted my life a lot just from the cut down of work and trying to support two babies on my own my 1yr old was supposed to start school but it has been pushed back due to the virus and the school being closed so I had to pay a sitter to watch them their grandmother try to help me with them but she’s on dialysis and she can’t keep them as often. I’m a single mother who’s kids fathers was indicted just before this whole pandemic thing got out of hand he was a big help with…
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My Family and Our Health

The positive that came out of the pandemic was the family bonding I had with my 1, 2, and 17 year old kids. The negative thing that came out of the corona virus was unemployment, living paycheck to paycheck, no money coming in to support my family or provide decent safety for them. Unemployment is not enough to feed 6 people in the household. I am also a victim of unemployment, since most of all the schools are closed and am in fear of my safety of going out in the medical field.
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surviving covid-19

The corona has impacted me and my family because my husband hours was cut less money coming in to help pay for bills and financial payments. I was also in school to get my high school diploma but due to the virus i needed to lay off from school
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Covid-19 (Story #939)

Fidelina FloresHi, I’m Fidelina Flores I was forced to stop working on March 18th due to the covid-19 outbreak. I have three kids, an 11 month old an 8 year old and an 18 year old. I used to work at a restaurant called “Las Flores”. After a couple of months of staying home I was able to go back to work, but only for one day. My employment income decreased drastically leaving me and my family in a very hard financial situation. My husband also got his work hours reduced. He is working just three days a week because…
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# 37 Staying Out of the Vius Way

Mrs Beulah Hunt is 85 years young. She has had bouts will some serious health concerns. Mrs Beulah has a strong will which keeps her afloat.Boynton Beach has been her home her entire life..She says that she is staying out of the way of the virus. Ms Beulah only goes out as needed.Where she worship has not opened its doors yet and she saysthat’s fine!There is a need for assistance with Electric and Water.
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