Story Gallery, Room 5

Horror movie

The corona virus has send me back home from school. I can’t workout and things just are very hard because I am away from my friends this is very scary because people are dying.
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# Dinner Time

Coronavirus has made a huge impact on my family, we are spending more time together, eating dinner together etc.
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My brief input about the pandemic is that it has affected me in some way such as not being able to attend my church on Sundays. Not being able to hug my loved ones like I’m used to. Most importantly learning how to adjust to the current normalcy.
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Mommy sorry

I have 5 kids I can’t get to see all of them due to the virus I work 24hrs everyday for security and 2 of my girl’s birthday coming up this month this would have been the perfect year I could have celebrated with them and it hurts them so bad that I can’t see them due to the virus ugh it’s sucks
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With uncertainty comes fear

I’m a bit of a loner and introvert so the social distancing wasn’t that big of deal until I realized I couldn’t give my mom (who suffers from respiratory problems) the usual hug and kiss when I visit her. I also don’t go inside of her home in stand in the yard while she sits on the porch in fear that I may be asymptomatic and infect her with COVID-19. Usually our house is the social gathering spot for all children on the block, because I have a 7-year old, basketball goal and trampoline. My son cried when we moved…
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Brought Others Together

People are staying in side, taking correct safety procedures. It’s not as overwhelming because I can get off work and still provide for my family.
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Corona Disaster

The corona virus has changed everything, I can’t work my kids can’t go to school. I am a track coach and our whole season is cancelled this is very hard on me.
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Hate Corona

It stops me from working out the way I want to because I am a college quarterback. I can’t hang out with my friends that I barely get to see because I’m always way for school
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I’m broke

Man this corona virus really sucks I’m out of work and have no money. I really can’t deal with this seriously man I am so thankful that my parents are still working and could help me, we need to find a answer for this
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Corona sucks

The corona virus is running everything, I got sent home from college now I’m gaining a whole lot of weight and I do t need that. It’s stopping me from having fun Also we don’t even have a cure
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Sharing purpose.

Now with Coronavirus waking people up and they are more motivated to explore gardening, growing foods and thinking about food and diet as sources of diseases. Because of this, I’ve connected to new people in ways that feels more purpose driven on both sides, which wasn’t necessarily there previously. I hope the motivation lasts.
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God Grace

I thank God because me and my family still alive bcuz without Him we won’t be here corona virus makes me cherish every moment of life bcuz an a minute u could loose someone you love
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Surviving corona

Coronavirus has impacted my life in so many ways. Like having to work from home & only working 20 hrs a week.
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The corona virus had ruined everything literally. I can’t work because my job is closed, I feel like the corona will change the world forever and we need to do some thing quick
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Teen mom

Hello the corona impacted my life as a teen mother. How? Because I couldn’t have a experienced of my 1 child a baby shower also I couldn’t take no pictures or anything then I’m having my baby in this virus is even worse I just pray god watch and protect over me
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I am just trying to survive, I can’t work because I am disabled and just not trying to catch the virus. I hope i don’t have it or get it, I pray to god everyday.
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Gail’s Story

the coronavirus has impacted my life because I can hardly work on one of my jobs. Sometimes I my go to peoples houses, sometimes I may go to the nursing homes, and sometimes might go to peoples houses. So, It was too much of a risk for me to hold onto that job for now because I have to be home with my grandchildren that I am taking care of right now, and as y’all know there is no school. So, I have to stay home with my grand kids most of the time. Sometimes I go to my…
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Self Reflection

During this pandemic situation this has impacted my life because now I look at life a little different now I don’t take things for granted and it has given me a whole new prospective on . I has increased my prayer life and i spend more time reading God’s word and talking to my family and loving on them more. Trying to tell people that I love them. Just taking time to reflect on life and self gratification.
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No Traveling

It has affected me by the lack of traveling that I could do before the coronavirus. It has also affected me by not being able to take my dog to the dog park. People are not taking the proper procedures and are not wearing protections in local places such as grocery stores.
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Bored in da house

It is very challenging, it seems like we’re in the same the same day everyday. My social life has decrease.
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All of my VA appointments have been canceled and I have no way of getting any pain medications for my Leg or shoulder. My surgery has been postponed until further notice due to the coronavirus. Also, the lack of essentials such as toilet paper, rubbing alcohol, bleach, and hand sanitizers at grocery stores. Wearing a mask when going out to public places can be irritating.
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Bad virus

By impacting my education also playing football doing what I do and love best
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Deaf Dog Finally Rescued

While working from home due to Coronavirus, we decided we would go to Big Dog Ranch Rescue and foster a dog. Early into quarantine we brought home a 3-year old deaf pup from the ranch. This dog had only ever lived in a house for a week, spending most of his life in between shelters. He was super shy and friendly, and had something special about him. Over a month later, we are happy to say that we are foster failures. Our pup has our hearts and is the goofiest dog ever. This quarantine has given us the time necessary…
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High school

How this corona virus impacted my life it impacted my life cause it stoped the education that I needed I would never feel to see how it feel to walk on a high school graduation stage I would never even feel successful about high school because the virus took Track & field away from me
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Mother prayers

Hello my name is Rita brown Smith the virus impacted my mother funeral with no family could come see her laid so beautiful to rest as she fought for her life 97 years on this earth lord knows I miss my mother
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They way corona virus has impacted my life is by making it hard to purchase things to put in my household for my brothers and sisters to eat.
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These days shall pass

The Coronavirus has had an impact on my life. It has changed the way we do thing on a daily basis. I lost a family member due to the virus and I have another family member in the hospital on ICU. The I was unable to attend the funeral because of the limited number of people allowed to be there. I was sad because I wanted to be there to show my support. Many people are walking around with the virus and may not know it. It’s challenging for folks in my community to get tested because there are no…
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Corona vs bills

It impacts my life with my bill without my job I have to find away to pay all my bills that’s the point of me getting a job to pay bill
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Laid Off

The Caronavirus impacted my life by me not working. I’ve been paid off.
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Change. Nobody likes it. Sometimes though, we have to just go with the flow for the greater good of everyone. By no means is it easy being isolated from seeing friends that we’re used to seeing on a weekly basis or not going into work each day. The strange feeling of knowing that you can’t just go to a movie on the weekend or run to the grocery store to pick up one item with out having to put on a mask and gloves…It still seems surreal even after over 60 days of being quarantined at home. I’m used to…
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Life goes on!!

I haven’t been sick since 2004 and everything has been the same/Good for me. I still have to pay rent, work etc. Why is everything in a panic when this virus is easier to get rid of then a common cold.
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Grandma babies

By my grandma passing away and only could have 15 people to show up also we could only have the funeral at the viewing that was so sad only 15 people was allowed to come to the funeral
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Displaced Badly

The new bill said we don’t have to move but I was already in the process of moving. I had to get loans and borrow money from others. I had to get a trailer from home depo and My phone was stolen behind locked doors. Someone came inside my home and stole it. In the predicament I need one to communicate with family.
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#Night job

I work at night. I stay home don’t go out side unless I have to. I take my dog for a walk and enjoy life at home. I spend time with family and friends they come by and see me. I buy paper towels and tissue paper to give to the elderly people that don’t have or can’t go get it.
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Corona has impacted me and my family member life because some have been laid off their jobs and can’t afford things already I’m also having a difficult time because me being home I don’t have internet to complete my college work good thing I’m a member of student aces and they help me get a laptop and access to WiFi.
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Corona cancel school

The corona virus has taken my kids out of school, they are having a hard time adjusting to the virtual school learning, I am working so I am away from them
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Elderly not forgotten

I am grateful and appreciative for the support of community in ensuring that the elderly are taken care of. Meals are delivered several times a week by various individuals. Neighbors are calling to offer encouragement and comfort. This is specially needed because some elderly ones live aloneOr no longer have relatives leaving nearly by or because of social distancing to care for their needs.
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We need a solution

The corona virus has put me out of work and now I’m home with my bad kids. But this is a really scary time for the world and we need to act and find a solution quick
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Soon as I started my own business the virus has impacted my bills less money less items I can purchase I’m so use to hustling until the point the virus impacted everything
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The pandemic began a few months after I graduated college, so it impacted my job search. Most on-site internships were canceled, and organizations were now focusing on cutting back. I am very fortunate to be in a situation where I don’t have to pay rent and utilities, so I’m not experiencing a lot of financial-related stress. Before the pandemic, I was the only one that stayed at home during the day, the dining room table was my office and a place where I could accomplish all of my daily tasks. Now there are five of us at home, so we…
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Education (Story #494)

The corona virus impacted my life whole education career I was into school of being a pharmacy and also working at cvs it’s suck that I’m not getting the proper education I need which what I worked for
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Corona trap

The corona virus has put me out of work with pay though, so I’m good just worried bout my family and friends
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Athletes need justice

My name is coach Walker I can say that this virus has impacts a whole lot .Also I’m a track coach for Fast lane track club . I train my athletes for them to compete on a beat level also to get them into a d1 college what that being said I can’t even train them anymore and they all depends on me wow man what a life that sucks I can’t help my athletes out .
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The disaster of coronavirus

It has canceled my graduation, grad bash, prom. Instead of going to school, we have to do virtual school. I can’t go outside as usual, I can’t go anywhere unless I’m wearing a mask, and staying 6 feet apart from people. Every object or anything I touch I need to wash my hands
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Cooking Passion

Cooking is a passion of mine that I enjoy. I cook meals for my Church as a volunteer. It has affected my life because I usually cook every Monday and Wednesday for my church and because of the coronavirus I cannot Cook a meal.
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#Senior program

When will this all be over. I’m cooped up in the house with my children and I’m ready to leave. The senior citizens program at the youth employment center would help a lot right now.
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It takes me away from my kids because I have to work due to the fact that I am a RN. My son wants to workout but he can’t it’s all a process that we have to over come
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“Corona Changes”

I’ve become more cautious about what I touch and I even started washing my hands more than I usually do .
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Well, things are very different for us all. This time has allowed My Family to become closer. Not being able to do the normal things you would have taught us how to stay home, cook more, and save money.
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Life of virus

This crazy virus impact my life so much until it made my life a little miserable. To the point I wouldn’t even see how it feels to graduate high school in my cap and gown after all the hard work and test I have been taking to get where I need to be now I feel like everything in my power wasn’t worth it all those night I stayed up studying and working on homework
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# flower man down

Less and less people are coming to buy my flowers, and the people who do come are so nice. I’m getting worried that we may go out of business.
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The virus got me away from my job and school which are the only things that keeps me sane. I am very disappointed that the states are opening back up because it will only make things much more worse
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Working from Home

I am a first year Elementary Education major at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University and when the Coronavirus was first talked about we (the students) thought nothing of it. Then the week before spring break, the university’s president announced that students were supposed to stay home until April 5th to ensure no one would bring the Coronavirus to the Campus. Within the second week of staying home he announced that students could no longer come back in Campus unless it was to move out of their dorms. So, now it has been almost two months since I have been self…
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Built to last

Well the virus hasn’t impacted my life directly, but people has lost job, loss loved ones and is living in fear of the unknown.
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What love Is?

The coronavirus has made me appreciate how valuable life is. Never before this generation experience a global pandemic of this magnitude. We can’t take for granted the seriousness of is situation we are in. To see health workers risk their lives to save others is truly a real expression of love. It must affect them emotionally, pysocologically as well as the fear,concern and anxiety it causes their family. The story of the Doctor facing a custody battle to keep her child in her life is heartbreaking. Yet she is willing to still put forth the effort to help others.
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Social Distancing, Telecommuting and learning new virtual platforms/skills

I have been practicing social distancing and telecommuting for about 6 weeks now. I have learned new skills and tried virtual programs I had never used before to continue work with my colleagues and participate in virtual meetings via Zoom, Microscoft Teams, and Amazon Chime. I have not gone to visit my parents that are elderly in Orlando to not put them in risk. I do miss them, but we have been able to keep in touch via calls and Zoom/Facetime. These are uncertain times… it’s hard to plan large meetings and events not knowing what things will be like…
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Daddy son

The Corona virus impacted my life also my son life . I really can’t even see my son because of this virus it’s stopping me from being a father that I want to be to my son and I can’t even see him I just pray and hope that he stayes safe like outch this really hurts me as a father
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#Face time blues

I can’t go talk to my friends. I love going to the store and meeting new people. I want to have fun, but I have a child to take care of so…
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Athletic Response

Coronavirus has put a major impact in my community. Everything has been shut down for about two months. Athletes cannot get a full workout in parts been close weight room facilities has been closed the economy is just losing money because of this virus. I truly believe you’re doing the right thing but we need to put something in motion that shows we moving in the right direction.
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Oh man this is BADDDDDD!

Coronavirus has truly been a demonic nightmare, not only to the community but for the nation. I have friends who has recently had his father pass away from this man made die-zeez Disease it has made every skeptical, why should we concern about the air we breath when you can’t get NATURAL air anywhere else. The world is trippen. But god isn’t, may he bless you and have mercy.
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It don’t stop nothing

The corona hasn’t stopped anything for me due to the fact that I am a agricultural worker. It makes my son be home from college which I like but also don’t because he’s away from football and his friends
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