Story Gallery, Room 10

A lost senior

Hello I’m a senior. I was so excited for my senior year I understand that all the stuff I payed for wasn’t really anyone’s fault but. Every time I look on the news it’s never about seniors. I was a senior with 27 credits and only needed .5 more to graduate. I’m transitioning into signing up for collage and getting ready to pick my path. And all of this is just being left in the air. No one is telling me what to do or how to get ready for the next step. I’m so afraid of missing something. My…
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Rods Story

The corona virus has impacted my work life. My hours have been cut and my work days have been shortened, I have no money to pay bills.
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Multiple-family social distancing

When we first heard about social distancing it sounded overwhelming to think that we would be away from extended family and friends for an undetermined length of time. A good friend and I decided that we would combine our families and social distance together. We made a commitment that we would not expose ourselves or our families to other people outside of our 10 person combined family. This has afforded us the opportunity to have the children play together, go to each other’s houses for a break, get some work done when necessary and have social interaction with people other…
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No Income

My job has cut down hours and I went from working an average 35 hours payroll to only 6 to 10.
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Unable to make the same paycheck because I belly work
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Figuring this coronavirus out

I am working fulltime from home and simultaneously caring for my child, my pets, my home. I am in need of household products but the stores are packed with people and short on supplies.
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Work or Kids?

I’m home with my kids a lot, trying to work and keep them on a schedule that’s close to what they would do at school. It’s really hard to do work and pay attention to the kids and I find myself getting really short and unpleasant, yelling a lot. It’s hard to let go of what I want to accomplish at work but I can’t do both and the priority should be me being present with my kids.
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1 (Story #62)

This virus has impacted my life because my 84 year old Mother is unable to receive her continuum of care after fracturing her hip on December 25,2020. Her care has been interrupted due to her not being able to continue the care of physical,occupational and home health care.My Mom was scheduled to continue her therapies at a rehabilitation facility . However, due to the virus the facility has closed its doors.
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Family Forst

My boyfriend just moved to Florida and was excited to find a job. But can’t find any openings. My sister works as a waitress. She lost her job as they closed. I am very fortunate to still have a job and am fortunate I can help them through this time, whether that is buying fresh veggies or paying for rent this month.
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Social solidarity

From Kristyn Cox in Delray came this beautiful post:Instead of social distancing,Physical distancing andSocial solidarity.Let’s make sure we are following guidelines, but staying connected through phone calls, virtual meetings, texts, and checking in regularly with our family, friends, and neighbors.
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To be human together

I’ve been impacted by anxiety since childhood. When I was young, I felt a lot of shame about not being able to tell my brain to stop worrying (as well meaning adults suggested). When my two older children were in their early teens, they were both diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a condition that runs in both sides of my family. Although I had already worked on my anxiety in therapy, my children’s diagnoses motivated me to deepen my research, and do whatever I could to learn to manage my mental health and theirs. When their doctor wrote “mindfulness meditation” on…
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Its impacted my life alot. I work from home now. I fear for my childrens and my health everyday. I fear our residents and employees will be affected in a negative way. A lot of stress
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new normal

In my new job, i have a new appreciation for technology to keep the lines of communication open. I don’t feel totally isolated with working remotely.
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hunkered down

I’m holed up with family at my parents house. No contact with anybody outside immediate family. spending lots of time online. Was going to the beach until public beaches were closed by County order.
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How Coronavirus Impacted My Life

The Coronavirus has impacted my life in multiple ways. My daily activities as modified. I have to take precaution everywhere and with everyone. My work life and family life has changed. They way we shop has changed. I no longer eat out or visit places with large crowds. My business has even taken a impact. My daughter is a high school senior and her senior year has been ruined, no Grad Night, Prom and possibly graduation may not take place. The lines at the stores are long and many of them are out of supplies and its difficult to obtain…
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Bryant Park W.P.B.

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COVID-19 and Me

The virus hasn’t really had an impact on me. I am just taking precautionary measures when going out into the public. I keep hand sanitizer with me and wipes in my car. I come back home and boil lime peels/orange peels with salt to stand over in order to inhale the steam because I know that the nostrils and the throat are the two places that this virus can reside, it being the coolest two places. I have always been an introvert and just the week before I had got approved to work from home when needed and this was…
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EJSJB2020 (Story #49)

This virus has helped me to spend more time with my grandkids and do things around my home that I have been pushing off for a while. It gave me a chance to see America join forces & do things for the greater good of the American People.
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EJSEJ20 – Trying to stay positive!

This virus and the hysteria that came with it has came and shock up my entire world. This virus has made me stop and look around at all the things that are extremely important and all the things that aren’t. In other words it has given me a better perspective of what I may have been taking for granted. A good thing that it did was remind everyone of how important relationships are and having a sense of community is vital during times like this. Between work and family I am just trying to stay updated and prepared for whatevers…
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The struggle

The corona virus has impacted my life by the reduce hours at work. As, I am currently not working and worrying about paying my bills.lastly I have ate more then I usually do.
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The Unexpected

The corona virus has impacted my life because my daughter isn’t able to go to school but my job is still open because I work in the medical field. Therefore I have to find someone to watch her while I’m at work. I am also not sure how long my job will be open or if I will get paid.
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#Corona kills jobs

The coronavirus has greatly affected me in my job. I work in a fast food restaurant Mcdonald’s and the side effect of corona is customers are no longer coming to purchase food. So therefore my hours were cut short.5 to 2 days and I still get sent home because of few customers
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I am going through, moving forward, and discovery new activities.

I have not been able to participate in several of my favorite activities, swimming, Zumba Yoga and walking in the park. But I am encouraged , I read more, clean out my closets, (I am gathering things that I don’t need or want, and I am looking forward to getting them out of my space.) I am journaling, and I crotchet and I reach out to family and friends and friends who are family more frequently. (I text, call and/or email.) I spend quality listening to music.
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A Not-So Gentle Reminder to Slow Down and Connect

I feel like I should be more concerned about the Corona Virus but I can’t help but feel a certain sense of calm around the whole situation. Maybe it is the connectedness – everyone is in it together and thinking of neighbors and loves ones. Because we are limited in where we can go, our home is filled with family time. Board games, pool time, and yoga have dominated the past weeks. When I walk my dog, everyone says hello now – or at least respond to me when I say hello (which I normally do). The sense of Unity…
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Budding friendships

My two year old son was really enjoying school and playing with our neighbors outside. He was just starting to play with others and enjoy people’s company. Now, we have to tell him ‘no’ when he sees them playing next door. He wants desperately to join them and it feels awful to deny him that socialization! We’ve tried to play in our backyard while they play in the front. He can still see them through the fence, but we keep a good distance away.
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Is this the New Normal?

As a working parent of a grade school age child and caregiver of an elderly mother I have experienced a increased amount of mental, emotional, and financial stress during the COVID-19 situation. I’m trying to find new ways to establish a routine that feels normal and make sure that everyone’s needs are met. Carving out a time to attend to work responsibilities at home while having a child at home and engaging him in meaningful activities is a challenge. Also, making sure that my mother is kept medically safe by limiting visitors and stress triggers is a task. I don’t…
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Confusing,Confusion, Confused.

My family has changed its dynamics since the virus was considered a problem for my community. My son, who was working in a foreign country was forced to leave. Although he had planned to relocate to another country, all borders have been closed, so he is coming back to the U.S.A., and plans to be quarantined for awhile. Of course, he will live with me, his sister and my grand-daughter. This will put a strain on our monetary resources, but, unlike others, we do have a place to live at the moment. At…
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Unemployment shortfalls…

At Macy’s i work on commission… And everyday i must cover my $9.00 an hour draw.. 7 hrs ×9 equals $63 a day that Macys is paying us right now.. I’m one of the lucky ones… That’s $315 minus taxes, fico, and s.s.(at 25 %) equals $227.25 a week… I cannot pay rent food, auto loan, insurance, gas (taking care of mom in Boynton) ,dentist loan, electric, capital 1(when times are tough) and going out( to support our local economy.. Take out etc..)… Made $32,000 in taxable income 1918.. Devided by 50 weeks is $640 per week… Minus taxes…
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A New Reality: The Journey of a Second Grade Teacher Through the Pandemic

Hi. I’ll start at the beginning. I’m a elementary school teacher. A little more than two weeks ago I started to feel bad. Like I had the flu times 10. I wasn’t surprised because my children have been sick for over 3 weeks with the same symptoms as we’re talking about now. One I sent to the nurse had a high fever, wheezing, could barely stand up. He went home, and went to the hospital where they kept him overnight. He was out the next two days, then back in school, still…
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Financial crisis

It has severely cut the hours I am able to work. I do not receive pay for the hours I am not working. Therefore, it’s caused a lot of anxiety and stress about how bills will be paid long term. I’m wondering how I can get another job in this time of crisis. Even if it means working at McDonalds.
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Nursing home life

I live at b a nursing home. We can not receive visits. Our daily life is just about as normal as a nursing home can be. They are making sure that all of our helpers are not ill. They take our temperature twice a day and. Limit our clients are contact.
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Staycation Casa de Parr

Being a foster home, and the schools being closed has brought unexpected stress into our daily lives including our work schedules
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My scarry life

The corona virus impacted my life,I was scheduled for my nclex exam at the end of March.The virus shut off the nursing examination,I was so determined to study.Now,with unemployement stayed everyday at home stressfull watching the news,make me more scared also the future of my children in this world.In my community, the office is shutted down,the people are scared each other.
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Help those most in need in Lake Worth and PBC

Our gallery and studio are closed to the public. I come in most days to a thankfully empty town. The only people, for the most part, who are walking the streets are the homeless and those with cognitive disabilities. I drive past the tent city in John Prince Park and it breaks my heart to see so many homeless in close quarters. If nothing is done to help them it is only a matter of time. I worry about Patrick and the folks he feeds and their exposure. I sent this statement out in a letter to someone who might…
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The IT World in Present Day

Being an individual who has been in the IT industry for a number of years, it is awarding to see how technology is being used to keep the community and businesses going. It is also overwhelming for those in the IT field because their knowledge is the key to keep everything running.
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My 92 year old father lives with me full time. His daily routine includes exercising in our community pool at the building where we reside. Unfortunately, there are people coming down to Florida on vacation to escape the pandemic up north or for what reason, I am not sure. But what they are failing to realize is they are putting our elderly and compromised at risk. They are not self quarantined. I have been quarantined for several weeks as I have a responsibility to my father and to the other compromised individuals who live…
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10 (Story #40)

This virus has put me in a situation where I have to think about how I’m going to pay my bills my hours at work have been cut and I have kids to take care of but with this Coronavirus our here is putting stress on me a I’m beginning to become depressed . I have to stretch my money so my kids can have a meal and supplies in the house
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Starting adult life on the wrong foot |EJSLW2020

Due to COVID-19 many youth may be happy or relieved because they can partake in schooling online which means more time to sleep, flexibility and convenience. As for me being an 18-year-old senior I do not posses those same feelings. COVID-19 put me at an odd limbo, I will not only miss out on events that are the culmination (prom and graduation) of high school but college as well. COVID-19 put an unwanted and unexpected gap in my transition from adolescence to adulthood and to add insult to injury the government has yet to devise a plan for college…
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My darkest days

It’s Ben worst two weeks of my life and my mom passed away I had to bury her. The pastor cancel so did the church then cemetery was giving issues also , my mom service went from 10-1pm to barely 11:30 I was hurt and I had to make turn away because we got stop by the police they only let 10 family members in only 10 mins this is worst feeling in the world , the virus has ever ybody scared to leave the house not even show up to my mom funeral
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To hardships

My family income due to the virus is impacted as our only source of income is lyft
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Living in Ongoing Emergency Roll

My job tasks have changed, putting aside usual management tasks. I am completely focused on helping keep our programs operational and filling in where needed. I try to keep up to date on changes and new services to share with staff.
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Missing my Mermaids

I am a Aqua Zumba Dance instructor. Every Sat. I go to 55+ Communities and teach Zumba in the pool. My Mermaids love the class and look forward to it. I feel terrible they are missing maybe the only class they can do. The ages range from 50-90. Hopefully, we can resume the pool classes soon. My Mermaids make me happy and I make them happy.
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100 Days of Solitude

I wonder how much unlimited data on my phone plan really means. Ever since the beginning of this self-isolation era, I’m sure people have turned to their phones and their home wi-fi to ride this wave of corona virus-related news. I know everyone must be watching their Netflix, having Zoom conferences, virtual classes and virtual happy hours, and calling their people to ask them what they’re doing for the umpteenth time that day. As for me, I didn’t realize until now how crucial my phone has become to staying connected and keeping sane in a moment where staying home is…
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Rapid Changes

The corona virus has changed my method of teaching to remote, from home. I miss all of my students, but was able to meet with one third of my class this morning on Google Meet. My two college-aged daughters had to move out of their sorority house and dorm to come home and do online courses through the summer. Things have certainly changed overnight!
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I live on a limited income. I ran out of food yesterday after going five days of eating only one meal. I have no money or food stamps. I have no car. The bus is my only transportation. I am considered high risk due to underlying health problems. I have no mask or gloves. I am terrified of going out unprotected. Many of the food pantries have closed or I cannot get to them or there are specific instructions on accessing them which I cannot meet. Example: This link came with a notice of a food pantry that will be…
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Waiting on a Change

My family and I have been affected in a few ways. First, I lost my job with first transit( Trolly) second, my car broke down and it was our only means of transportation. 3rd my son (17) suffers with mental health issues and wasn’t able to get his 30 day meds, instead they gave him 15. Now we are waiting on a appointment so he’ll be able to get the rest of his meds, and as you know no one is taking clients. We both suffer from anxiety, and he also suffers with severe depression. Inspite of EVERYTHING that…
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I need help

Are used to work under the table when I can’t work under the table because I have a son and I can’t bring him with me that was the extra money to make me get through the whole month I’m not good at school work and I have anxiety issues and I’m not good at math or anything they gave him less it’s just really stressing me out and then I’m worried about my family health is a lot
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EJSJB2020 (Story #31)

I have to find funds to fed my family and going to the stores is a scary thing. Work has been slow and when trying to support others it’s hard because of the distance we have to keep
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Thankful transitions

Normally an active family involved in gym, sports and therapies we have been halted in our tracks. Our lives have transitioned to finding how to do the things we love within the confines of our home. Our youngest son is a transplant recipient, on immunosuppressant medicine for the rest of his life, so the threat is very real to us. It saddens me that more people are not taking this seriously.
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10 (Story #64)

The coronavirus have infected my life a lot I am very depressed I do the crossing guard for the school and I’m not getting paid and only the teachers getting paid they say we going to go by April 15th but that’s no guarantee because I’m I got a very good feeling it’s only a month left for school to May 30th so they probably not going to even go back I don’t know how I’m going to pay my next bill I don’t know what the next time you coming from because most of the crossing guards get pensions…
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Count our blessings

I am feeling better now and all I can do is to stay focus on the needs of our children, families and staff. I am doing just that while trying to keep up with daily update at the state and local level pertaining to the virus. I attended various online meetings using Zoom and I am enjoying them. This online meeting could be the new normal for us at For The Children Inc. It is a learning curve and we are learning as much as we can to continue to keep our children and parent engage. We are in this…
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New Normal

The corona virus has caused me to work from home utilizing technology to work and interact with people. Although it’s been nice to be able to work from home, I realize that I am not prepared for a crisis of this magnitude and I am a single person. I went from eating out to buying groceries and eating from home. Being from Florida, you are accustomed to preparing for hurricanes but this takes it to another level. Living in western palm beach county, I am concerned that our communities are not prepared for a health crisis…
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We have to take this serious.

Well to be honest I thought it was a joke and didnt take it to serious. But as the time has gone by it has become a very serious. I myself have be impacted by have to now teach at home, as well as have my second job pretty much cutting hours reducing income into my home.
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