Community: West Palm Beach

#who cares

First of all it’s frustrating being afraid to go outside. People are still not wearing masks. I try my best to make it back before 11:30 ,but I can’t do that with all this black lives matter stuff. People just don’t care anymore.

Let it stop

I can’t believe how long this has been going on. I’m ok I go where I need to. The only thing I really concerned with, is when the open up the beaches again. I just hope that number doesn’t go any higher.


I believe that all this is, is fear. You can’t live your life in fear. What is meant to be is meant to be. I can’t wear gloves or a mask, cuz if god wants me gone I’m gonna go. I won’t live my life in fear, cuz your life can all of a sudden…. just stop.

#Dammit Man

Zuri and I were speaking to Shannon.(The man we have come to know as Dammit Man)As we sat and talked with him, he started to say non-sensible things to make us laugh, but he wouldn’t do a proper survey. A few days later, I got a phone call from my neighbor the news that he had died. She said that Dammit Man had spat on the tall blind man not the short one and he smacked him in the head with his cane. I refused to believe her, due to the fact that I had just seen him not to long ago. The more days went by the more I started to believe that what she said was true, but one morning as I began to walk to the YEC I seen him walk walking slower than normal. He told me how he seen god in the hospital and that the world was flat.


My immediate family has been impacted financially across the board. As of yet, we have not suffered any sickness from the pandemic. I really miss seeing and hugging family members. We video chat frequently but it’s nowhere near the same. My hours were greatly affected at my job. And because of the uncertainty of when I would work next, I had to scurry around to come up with another solution to try and stay afloat money wise . That, along with being a full time mother of a 7 year old with autism who I now have to do distant learning with, has been really tough. I am trying to maintain a positive mindset and my sanity but it is truly difficult. It has been a scary ordeal for me, not so much due to the actual virus, but for the panic/fear surrounding it from others. Im not a homebody so as a person who is used to going places, being hunkered down for this time actually made me appreciate time I get out to go to work.


Coronavirus continues to impact my life due to the schools being closed down, as well as the colleges. I am an Academic Tutor as well as an Afterschool Counselor, when the schools closed down the pay stopped due to not clocking in as I would before the pandemic. It’s hard to get help with online courses for me because I have multiple questions that I feel need face to face answers, but I still try to do it to my best ability because this is what I have to work with for now. It sucks because you never realize how much you miss something until missing it is your only option.


I can’t go nowhere and I have to Be in the house all day.

Living life

I am enjoying social distancing catching up on life

You don’t what you’re missing until you are forced to see it!

The corona virus has made me realize that money and material things are worth nothing if you don’t have the health to enjoy it! I have also realized how precious it is to be able to stay at home and not go to work, allowing me to spend more time with my family. The small things that you really didn’t take note of that matters the most.

#What’s going on

It hasn’t changed much since I’m homeless. I’m just scared because I don’t know what’s going on.