I am working from home, which is a benefit. My children are learning digitally, which means that I have to also teach them academically. For my husband it gas changed his day to day and how he does things and being mindful those who are around him. We have a new normal. Lastly, no real social gathering and meeting with friends.
Concern: My child's education
The way COVID-19 has impacted me is by not having needs or goods to feed my family.
The New Regular
The coronavirus has extremely impacted my life. From the beginning, it changed how I, and the entire world, interact with one another in public and at home, but as things got more serious and the threat grew so did our lives. I had to move off campus, and was suddenly taking classes online, this made it so much harder to stay tuned into the lectures and participate. I lost my job temporarily for 2 months. I worked as a receptionist at my family’s salon, and with it closing my dad was also out of a job for those 2 months and it was really hard on him. By me being home, I picked up more duties around the house to help my mom who was fortunate enough to not lose her job such as helping my sister with her classwork and homework. Considering that no one in my family is a licensed teacher, some of the assignments and lessons were kind of hard to understand and teach. We started going to a lot of grocery giveaways, to assist our neighbors who were more at risk or didn’t have a car and were unable to go. I have not been able to see some of my family in months because they are at risk. Overall, this experience has affected my life is so many more ways than I could imagine.
Education vs Corona
The corona virus has mostly impacted the way my daughter is learning. I feel like because I work a lot I am unable to give her the proper education she needs and it bothers me a lot.
Restaurant (Story #645)
Coronavirus has run to pick and pack in my life Im a big guy and I love to eat I play football at University of Central Florida and with everything Ive been closed out all the good restaurants Im currently losing weight which Im happy and sad about I like to die Nana eat my food so to see some of the restaurants opening up but came down and I still dont get to enjoy my food I want to quarantine and has been taken at all upon me and I just want to eat good again Cant can the government let things open back up faster
FAU needs to do better
The impact has been one of stress and financial implications. I think that FAU could be better with assisting their students who are impacted by changing the grading policy. Essentially we were billed the same way as if we were under normal conditions, and the help they offered in allowing students to change to a pass/fail process, did not help at all for the students who plan to continue to graduate school. Also, I wish to state that if school is opening on an in person basis for the fall, I will not register. I hope that the online format will continue to be an option for the students who may be susceptible for the corona virus.
Getting to the point, Mr Drayton lost his job during the height of this epidemic(April 3rd last day). His job of 7 years emerged with another company,. He had been promised an employment opportunity with the new company but to no avail. I was shocked to learn at the last minute/day,I wasn’t going to be hired. Now, I work 4 hrs per day Mon-Fri at the local church that my daughter and I attend/participate. The church is helping by giving me these 20 hours a week. I am a Single Parent of a 16 year old daughter. Her name is Bianca.She is an honor student with intentions of matriculating at an HBCU upon graduating with the class of 2022. She boasts an GPA of 3.80. I have had custody of my daughter since she was three. I need help with my $1350.00 a month lease!
Im Trying Times Dont Quit Trying
In everything give thanks. I am at risk because of my age and thank god not because I have a medical conditions. One thing I miss is going out to dinner. I ate out at least 3 times a week. I also miss the children at the school where I volunteer. Now, I will share a story. The following week after the Pandemic started there were 3 little boys that knocked on my door this was around 8:30 pm on a Thursday night and asked if I would give them some food. I recognized them from the community but I was not familiar with the family. I gave the little boys a bag of chips, a pack of cookies and a sip up. (I have grands). The boys started coming 3 to 4 times a week I decided to ask for their parents phone number. I introduced myself. The parents were very grateful. Now, I have adopted 6 snack recipients . I am so happy with the gift god has given to me to serve children.This to shall pass and I will continue to serve. There is a reason and a season for everything. Thank you
My immediate family has been impacted financially across the board. As of yet, we have not suffered any sickness from the pandemic. I really miss seeing and hugging family members. We video chat frequently but its nowhere near the same. My hours were greatly affected at my job. And because of the uncertainty of when I would work next, I had to scurry around to come up with another solution to try and stay afloat money wise . That, along with being a full time mother of a 7 year old with autism who I now have to do distant learning with, has been really tough. I am trying to maintain a positive mindset and my sanity but it is truly difficult. It has been a scary ordeal for me, not so much due to the actual virus, but for the panic/fear surrounding it from others. Im not a homebody so as a person who is used to going places, being hunkered down for this time actually made me appreciate time I get out to go to work.
The virus has affected me in many ways. I have to get used to a new way of life. Working from home. Wearing masks everywhere I go. Wearing gloves to pump gas. Not being able to shop or eat in restaurants without worrying about whose by me. Not being able to cough in public without everyone looking at me crazy. The new norm is difficult to adapt to. Its a learning process. But I understand that its all for our safety.