Residents were asked to “tell a story about how the coronavirus has impacted your life.” Explore 50 responses below, selected at random. Which responses capture your attention? (Some responses were transcribed by youth volunteers.) To learn more about the storyteller and how they interpreted their response, click “Zoom In.”
2020 The Year the World Stood Still
The corona virus has impacted my life in every way as it has impacted the entire World’s population in every way. I feel almost like I did after 9/11. The World stopped for a week. The World changed forever. This time, the World has stopped for months. The World will be changed forever-good and bad. Teaching requires a very interactive relationship with students. I realize how important face to face interaction is for children in a school environment. A smile, a touch on the shoulder, words of encouragement, sarcastic retorts, body language……. I miss them and I know the students…
No Income
My job has cut down hours and I went from working an average 35 hours payroll to only 6 to 10.
Learning How to Live Again
Th C-virus has impacted my life. It requires us to stay home. No school, no church outings, so social events, community service initiatives have been postponed or cancelled. Although our lives have not come to a halt it has definitely come to a stand still. We now have to be more vigilant with things we should do to reduce the sped of the C-virus. Our community need to be prayerful and obedient and follow the rules for survival. Try to help one another. Keep an eye on our children and our senior community. This crisis in our…
Essential work
I work at the bank and due to the virus i have to be very careful with handling money. Germs spread fast through money and I wouldnt want to take anything back to my home.
So many people have died and many been infected. There aren’t enough supplies for hospitals and many hospitals are at their full capacities and don’t have room for any more patients. I try not to think about what would happen if I or someone in my family caught the coronavirus.
The virus is the nastiest thing that has plagued America.There is no more face to face socialization,no gatherings,events and worship.Who would have thought this?No place should stand alone . States opening their doors should not be. For united we stand divided we fall….. I am bound my other’s caring for me.
My immediate family has been impacted financially across the board. As of yet, we have not suffered any sickness from the pandemic. I really miss seeing and hugging family members. We video chat frequently but its nowhere near the same. My hours were greatly affected at my job. And because of the uncertainty of when I would work next, I had to scurry around to come up with another solution to try and stay afloat money wise . That, along with being a full time mother of a 7 year old with autism who I now have to…
The Unexpected
The corona virus has impacted my life because my daughter isnt able to go to school but my job is still open because I work in the medical field. Therefore I have to find someone to watch her while Im at work. I am also not sure how long my job will be open or if I will get paid.
Covid 19 impact
Corona virus impacted my life in a major way , 38 weeks pregnant and had no idea I was a victim ! I went to the hospital because of Severe cramps to the stomach and body Aches I knew something wasnt right ! I got admitted to labor and delivery after 13 hours of waiting still not knowing whats wrong but my baby was not accelerating at the correct pace even more nervous I contact my children father because now I feel alone and helpless telling him to pack his bag and the things we will need for…
Corona virus has helped me more than hurt me, my body gets to heal Ive had a lingering shoulder injury so now I get to let that heal. I am sad that I cant be at school around all my teammates and friends but I hope we get a cure and they dont cancel the football season nor push it back
THe virus cause something I love to be taken away from me, football. Its starting to get hard training for something that might not happen. It caused a little depression.
Deaf Dog Finally Rescued
While working from home due to Coronavirus, we decided we would go to Big Dog Ranch Rescue and foster a dog. Early into quarantine we brought home a 3-year old deaf pup from the ranch. This dog had only ever lived in a house for a week, spending most of his life in between shelters. He was super shy and friendly, and had something special about him. Over a month later, we are happy to say that we are foster failures. Our pup has our hearts and is the goofiest dog ever. This quarantine has given us the time necessary…
Praying that a change is going to come!!!
Since the pandemic began it’s truly been hard on myself and family these past several months. Before the covid-19 I recently received not 1 but 2 parttime jobs with the Palm Beach County School District. Now I’ve been unemployed since March 13, 2020 all due to that all schools are closed due to this pandemic. Immediately after we were notified that we were going to be unemployed I reached out to all my bill collectors notifying them that I was currently let go due to the pandemic. They said it was fine whenever I can pay just submit a payment….
Virus (Story #430)
The virus impacted my life by changing it totally. Right now, I am suppose to be in college taking classes. Instead I am at home talking online classes. My outside activities are limited because of the stay at home order the governor issued. The virus impacted my mood, I am getting more depressed when I am locked inside.
Ms. Naica Stories
Because of the coronavirus I have to work from home. One of my best friends dad got the virus and its kinda scary to know that someone that I know got the disease.
It’s Okay To Pause
Instead of becoming consumed by irrational fear (healthy fear is good, as it keeps us safe), the Coronavirus has all but forced me to stop and reevaluate both personal and business goals that I otherwise wouldn’t have taken time to think about. At first, I kept trying to keep up with all of the other business owners who were making massive pivots to adjust to the online switch. I was feeling really stressed out about it, until I realized that this wasn’t what I was supposed to be doing at this time. I was meant to be planning for the…
Sorry for everyones loss
I really dont care about it as long as my family is good, I quit football so like it dont effect me in that way anymore but it sucks that people have died from it
Stacy’s Story
Covid-19 has thankfully had less of an impact on my life than it has on many others. My family is safe. We are financially secure. Although I would like to visit the beach and parks, I understand that doing so may negatively impact the lives of my family and others. I am thankful to have such a loving family, a safe place to live, and the resources I need to live comfortably. This virus has directly impacted extended family members and community members. I pray for the safety of all.
Corona Disaster
The corona virus has changed everything, I cant work my kids cant go to school. I am a track coach and our whole season is cancelled this is very hard on me.
My Story (Story #938)
My StoryI am Janette Lopez, Im a single mother. I live with my mother, sister and 12 year old son. We all four caught the virus covid 19. Till this day we are still recovering. Unfortunately, Im not able to work yet because I am still sick and taking medications. My family and I are very grateful for this foundation. Thank you for paying my previous months rent. And for continuing to support my family and I through the month of June. I am very grateful, Thank you for everything. Janette Lopez
The Family in covid-19 in 2020
The is family is very important .
No Schooling
Now I focus only football, cause i dont have any classes. If there wasnt Covid, Ill prolly be in summer school right.
COVID-19 in the City by the Sea
May,20202020 had begun so happily as all New Years do! A two week visit with our daughter and one year old granddaughter had been a joy! February birthday celebrations , Valentine love and of course intense Black History remembrances! Whispers of a deadly virus in China had caught my attention from the MSNBC news coverage since mid January. But that was somewhere else for someone else to be concerned with. In passing, I asked my daughter to be careful going through the airports from Md. on February 2 with my granddaughter because of a new virus outbreak amongst travelers.As…
A husband needing assistance
Hello. My name is Leroy Merchant and I am a husband who’s wife (Fabiola) is currently battle a diagnosed of stage 4 ovarian and colon cancer and also raising two teenage boys. My mother suffered a stroke in June who also needs my help. Life took us for a ride back in October last year when my wife was diagnosed and my mother’s stroke. Then on March I became unemployed due to Covid19 and it has been a struggle not only before but became more in March, being home have giving me an opportunity to take care of my wife…
Hope still lives
During the pandemic I had to stop working but my husband continued to work. Since we were living on one paycheck we couldn’t pay our bills or even take care of basic necessities like food and gas. But youth empowered to prosper started a food pantry that helped us soo much that we didnt need to buy food. We could focus our funds on paying Bill’s and etc. I then started to volunteer because of how they have helped my family. and assist others with getting food. though I filed for both unemployment and food stamps but…
The disaster of coronavirus
It has canceled my graduation, grad bash, prom. Instead of going to school, we have to do virtual school. I cant go outside as usual, I cant go anywhere unless Im wearing a mask, and staying 6 feet apart from people. Every object or anything I touch I need to wash my hands
#26 I Just Don’t Know
She had a total knee replacement 3 yrs ago . She has suffered with pain and the ability to not be able to be independent at the age of 73 yrs old as result of her knee surgery, She has been limited movement and has been at home for the exception of Dr.’s appts .Her feeling about the virus are I just don’f know. Her daughter provides her all her needs .She feels extremely safe at home.
Single Mother Struggles in Covid19
I am affected by not having a job to provide and pay my bills on time and also not having money to barely feed my son as a single mother to a 6 year old child who is now home schooled due to social distancing.
Not only has the coronavirus forced people to stay in their homes but it also led to many people losing work and not being able to pay their bills. I hope that everyone gets the money that they were promised by trump. I also hope that people find more ways to work from home because the more cases the harder it becomes to cure.
#41 We don’t Drive
My husband and I are 90 and 91 yrs old. We don’t drive .Our daughters and granddaughters are doing it all for us. It is such a burden not being able to tag along with my daughters,I do admire what out national leader is saying. After all. he is doing the best he can do!
#59 They Know They Will Pass
The nation has become unstable. Which is due to a multitude of opinions as to when America should open up for business.You’re unable to go anywhere. I Have lived in my family’s home with my Dad all my life. I am a Middle-School Science Teacher.. Her student population is 94.However,she has only 51 students logging on for distant learning. She saidthey know they will pass this school year.She has some immune issues. So,she has to be extra careful. She is a caregiver for her 81 yr old Father.He has a mild case of dementia and has under gone surgery.
Athletic Response
Coronavirus has put a major impact in my community. Everything has been shut down for about two months. Athletes cannot get a full workout in parts been close weight room facilities has been closed the economy is just losing money because of this virus. I truly believe youre doing the right thing but we need to put something in motion that shows we moving in the right direction.
Social distancing (Story #365)
The corona virus has impacted my life in a strange way.I work as a busser at a restaurant and is currently unemployed due to social distancing.
#Onthebrightside #bittersweet
Coronavirus has been a positive and negative experience for me. On the positive side one of my streams of income will continue to come in. On the negative side, the way I am able to make extra money (to be able to save and not live paycheck to paycheck) would put me at risk by coming in contact with numerous people. Since I live with my grandmother, I’m unable to do this. I worry that the older people in my house are continuously going out for food. We bump heads a lot. On the bright side I’ve had the chance…
The boredom
Well first of all, life isnt the same since he whole coronavirus thing going on, I been at home for about two months now and I dont get to see my friends plus Im scared for my life. The virus have changed my whole life for instance online school instead of going to school all of this because of the social distancing.
# 33 Kayleen Is a Neighbor and Maria’s Caregiver with no cost attached
Mrs Maria is a 77 year young widow for nearly 2 years. She is only fluent in Spanish. So, therefore,Kayleen tel# has been given to you for a better understanding. Maria has been affliliated with the CCC for ten years. Her daughter,Yolanda, works full-time. Kayleen is a neighbor and Maria’s caregiver with no cost attached.Mrs Maria slipped and fractured her hip in February.Mrs Maria is doing well with her physical therapist that comes to her home. She is walikng unassisted at times. CDC will bring her healthy meals beginning July 6.Mrs Maria will need assistance with her Electric and Water.
The corona virus had ruined everything literally. I cant work because my job is closed, I feel like the corona will change the world forever and we need to do some thing quick
Well, things are very different for us all. This time has allowed My Family to become closer. Not being able to do the normal things you would have taught us how to stay home, cook more, and save money.
Grandma babies
By my grandma passing away and only could have 15 people to show up also we could only have the funeral at the viewing that was so sad only 15 people was allowed to come to the funeral
Financial crisis
It has severely cut the hours I am able to work. I do not receive pay for the hours I am not working. Therefore, its caused a lot of anxiety and stress about how bills will be paid long term. Im wondering how I can get another job in this time of crisis. Even if it means working at McDonalds.
High school
How this corona virus impacted my life it impacted my life cause it stoped the education that I needed I would never feel to see how it feel to walk on a high school graduation stage I would never even feel successful about high school because the virus took Track & field away from me
Overcoming covid29
Lost my job
The Fierce Women
Im pregnant and the Corona virus has stopped work for me and my child.. my source of income has been put on hold. Im afraid to give birth in these circumstances.
COVID-19 has impacted my life by changing the entire nature of my senior year. The last semester of your senior year is meant to be the most rewarding and memorable part of high school. Having my graduation, prom, senior nights, and grad parties taken from me has been extremely difficult to deal with. I have found myself struggling more and more with what I like to call corona depression, everyday is a challenge but I’m glad to be taking said challenge. Luckily I have been able to go back to work and I feel as though I can finally see…
Stuck (Story #295)
This pandemic has changed the way I move about. It has, in a way affected my freedom. I still have a choice to move and go as I please but the chance of getting the virus is not one I want to take. Im a person that doesnt do much anyway but this situation has me doing nothing. I would truly like to move freely without the worry of getting sick from the coronavirus.
School (Story #600)
Coronavirus has stopped me from going to school and participating in summer classes I struggle with taking online classes for the spring or sometime in May and my family decided that we will no longer participate in summer classes in my community Bellglade we have a problem with quarantining and things are turning upside down I truly believe coronavirus I started it operate in my community and only we can fix it.
Living in Ongoing Emergency Roll
My job tasks have changed, putting aside usual management tasks. I am completely focused on helping keep our programs operational and filling in where needed. I try to keep up to date on changes and new services to share with staff.
I had plans to move to Michigan to live with my boyfriend but he had to move home and now we are living with family. Its not fun.
There is no number, this is a horrible, scary time.
I remain in my house and my daughter no longer goes to Daycare, the park or anywhere for the most part, she is 3 years old.
No Track. No soccer.
The corona virus affected my life because it cut off my track season for school and soccer season for the AYSO organization. I know have to work twice as hard to get a track scholarship to schools and now have limited school options because many colleges/universities cut their track programs.
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