Residents were asked to “tell a story about how the coronavirus has impacted your life.” Explore 50 responses below, selected at random. Which responses capture your attention? (Some responses were transcribed by youth volunteers.) To learn more about the storyteller and how they interpreted their response, click “Zoom In.”
Getting to the point, Mr Drayton lost his job during the height of this epidemic(April 3rd last day). His job of 7 years emerged with another company,. He had been promised an employment opportunity with the new company but to no avail. I was shocked to learn at the last minute/day,I wasn’t going to be hired. Now, I work 4 hrs per day Mon-Fri at the local church that my daughter and I attend/participate. The church is helping by giving me these 20 hours a week. I am a Single Parent of a 16 year old daughter. Her name is…
Staycation Casa de Parr
Being a foster home, and the schools being closed has brought unexpected stress into our daily lives including our work schedules
My Story (Story #938)
My StoryI am Janette Lopez, Im a single mother. I live with my mother, sister and 12 year old son. We all four caught the virus covid 19. Till this day we are still recovering. Unfortunately, Im not able to work yet because I am still sick and taking medications. My family and I are very grateful for this foundation. Thank you for paying my previous months rent. And for continuing to support my family and I through the month of June. I am very grateful, Thank you for everything. Janette Lopez
Covid-19 (Story #939)
Fidelina FloresHi, Im Fidelina Flores I was forced to stop working on March 18th due to the covid-19 outbreak. I have three kids, an 11 month old an 8 year old and an 18 year old. I used to work at a restaurant called Las Flores. After a couple of months of staying home I was able to go back to work, but only for one day. My employment income decreased drastically leaving me and my family in a very hard financial situation. My husband also got his work hours reduced. He is working just three days a week because…
Corona suck but social injustice is worse
Sadly corona is the last thing I am worried about right now with all this social injustice going on in the world, all 50 states are protesting literally and no one is worried about corona
# 15 I Don’t Sit Around Waiting For Nobody To Do Nothing For Mattie Wallace
Mrs Wallace boastfully states that on September 01,I will be 93 years old! It is with that being said,Do you think that we should do something special for her? Mrs Wallace says that she has never had a hospital stay and she and her adult children are trying to make sure that she doesn’t have one with this virus.This is awful for the Country and everywhere else! I go out to buy grocery and doctor visits only!Just make sure you keep your hands clean and wear a mask. Mrs Wallace is still in charge of her home(where she has…
Recovery (Story #830)
It is bittersweet. It restricts me from being around alot of friends but it also allows me to focus more on my recovery. Last season I got hurt before the first game, so im using the time to come back better and stronger
The virus caused me to experience unemployment. I was unable to get/maintain a job during this time. I am also stuck at home without anything to do. I dont like going out with masks as well. It just makes it harder to breathe and talk in them.
Quarantined (Story #686)
This virus has affected my life because I am not able to go out into public as often as before. I was not able to take courses in-person at my college. My family and I have been cooking at home instead of going out for food. My gym is closed so I havent been able to workout. It has been a complete change in my lifestyle.
My Strength
It was scary not knowing how we would take care of and provide for our families. Especially when not all creditors were willing to work with you. Going from consistent financial means to zero so fast was alarming to say the least. It shocked us. Our family became homeless and divided up and living in separate places which was extremely tough for all us and praying and hoping we were safe and not exposed to viruses of any sort actually. It weighed on us emotionally financially mentally, etc. Not having the means and not knowing when or what you were…
The Unexpected
The corona virus has impacted my life because my daughter isnt able to go to school but my job is still open because I work in the medical field. Therefore I have to find someone to watch her while Im at work. I am also not sure how long my job will be open or if I will get paid.
A New Reality: The Journey of a Second Grade Teacher Through the Pandemic
Hi. I’ll start at the beginning. I’m a elementary school teacher. A little more than two weeks ago I started to feel bad. Like I had the flu times 10. I wasn’t surprised because my children have been sick for over 3 weeks with the same symptoms as we’re talking about now. One I sent to the nurse had a high fever, wheezing, could barely stand up. He went home, and went to the hospital where they kept him overnight. He was out the next two days, then back in school, still…
Quarantine with 3 plus me
Being in Quarantine due to COVID-19 is great at times and challenging in others. I am a mother of 3 school age children and am currently working from home. Finding balance between work and assisting the kids with their school work has been challenge that I am currently working. I am grateful for the full support of my kids teachers in providing lessons and following up with their educational needs. The struggle is when I try to focus on my work but still need to facilitate and support the kids learning ( answer questions, work on practice problems,…
Donald is also a native to Boynton Beach. And all of his siblings live in the city( a party of 5).The virus really shook me up .you need a mask everytime to dart the door. There is no cure in sight and once there is it will need to be tested. How long? This virus reminds me of the escription from the Bible of Leprosy. PEOPLE ARE AFRAID TO COME AROUND EACH OTHER.You have to look at it like everyone has it.Donald says he is 62 years of age and lost a decent paying job. And my savings is…
Taking this in stride
Well, like everyone else, it hasn’t been easy, however, I feel that I’m blessed. My husband and I are both able to work from home and my family is healthy. What more can I ask for? We have all the essentials, I love being in my home. Life is good.
Not only has the coronavirus forced people to stay in their homes but it also led to many people losing work and not being able to pay their bills. I hope that everyone gets the money that they were promised by trump. I also hope that people find more ways to work from home because the more cases the harder it becomes to cure.
To hardships
My family income due to the virus is impacted as our only source of income is lyft
I am 90 years old and continue to wonder why am I still here. In the 1920’s,there were alot of plagues due to a host of diseases that endangered Americans health. I remember my parents speaking of the dangerous health concerns and most of the health concerns would keep one in isolation for months. This so remind me on the Coronavirus, My Community immediately took concern and care over the impact that this would have on us. The clubhouse, pool and all activities were closed. I have the best neighbor in the community,she makes sure that i have all that…
My daughter is a Nurse with the Health Department. She told me much earlier about there would be a demanding need for facial protection. I am a seamtress. It gives me great joy and peace ….making sure that all healthcare workers and those in the community are not exposed to the virus through facial masking. A strong enough effort should have been imposed for safety/protection sooner than Now! I have a cousin and her spouse living in Detriot who beat the Corona Virus. I am thankful!
Society is down bad
Brought me closer to the fam, I get to work on all my skills a little more, corona really isnt what Im thinking about about tho because racial injustice is much more important
Not sure where It comes from
Paula was born and raised in Boynton Beach 63 years ago.on July 6….It is so ironic that her youngest grandchild was a born on this very same day almost 3 years ago. Paula believes that everyone should be tested. My sister and her daughter have been hospitalized for the virus.It is a sad situation because my sister has just be approved to become a kidney transplant recipient.Not sure,if this virus is man-made or where it comes from and how many actually have it.Paula ahs been referred to CDC Faith Based for Electric bill assistance.
Budding friendships
My two year old son was really enjoying school and playing with our neighbors outside. He was just starting to play with others and enjoy people’s company. Now, we have to tell him ‘no’ when he sees them playing next door. He wants desperately to join them and it feels awful to deny him that socialization! We’ve tried to play in our backyard while they play in the front. He can still see them through the fence, but we keep a good distance away.
The virus
Coronavirus an impact in my life amazingly yes cause a big outbreak on the world and causes everything on furloughs for about two months as things dont open up quarantine I have been taking place in my community and which have been lied to but still maintain there is a large number of cases in my small community of matsuri Belglade Florida I believe that we should I come to get as a community to take some over to come up with better ideas of quarantining because obviously is not happening I truly believe that we have to take this…
Quarantine (Story #669)
Coronavirus has really affected a lot of students with their schools near me there are many students taking online classes which havent taken online classes in a while or Coronavirus has really affected a lot of students with their schools dammit there are many students taking online classes which havent taking online classes in a while or dinner or not used to taking online classes and they are struggling I truly believe that theres a method is quite on going I can actually help many people but many students had to take for being a position to be in taking…
No home
Its been very upsetting theres no where to go. I cant go home with see my family i have 19 grandchildren.
Less working
Paying my bills stoping my job
#60 He Leans On His Own Understanding
Ms Sullivan’s story is reflected in her dad’s name SOLOMAN MACK.Mr. Mack has been diagnosed with Dementia for a couple of years.He still has a sense of humor and very opinionated.He has been at the V.A. and JFK hospitals for surgery, He is now home thriving .He does have some issues he says with going out.However,he still continues to play checkers with the neighbors as he always has.’HE LEANS ON HIS OWN UNDERSTANDING OF THE VIRUS. He takes walks every morning.As a way,to receive his therapy. The physical therapist isn’t coming anymore due to the virus..
Thankful transitions
Normally an active family involved in gym, sports and therapies we have been halted in our tracks. Our lives have transitioned to finding how to do the things we love within the confines of our home. Our youngest son is a transplant recipient, on immunosuppressant medicine for the rest of his life, so the threat is very real to us. It saddens me that more people are not taking this seriously.
The coronavirus effects me because I can’t work as much as I used to because I work in the health field and it isn’t safe so I make less money than I used to and also my grandchildren are out of school and they can’t stay home alone.
# 40 She Walks From the Front Door to the Back Door
Mrs Ovida Denson is 86 years young. Ms Ovida is a retired Teacher. She doesn’t go out for anything. Maurice Denson ,61,lives with his mother. And he is in charge of all errands.The City of Boynton Beach pool is named after her late husband .She says that she sits in the house daily with nothing but T.V. And She walks from the front door to her back door all day.The pandemic has will keep her from attending her beloved BCU alumni meetings,Retired Teacher’s Meetings and church.
Pandemic affect
It has caused an enormous amount of stress for me in many ways. And has impacted the lifes of my family and myself. with the schools being closed, Ive been forced to cut hours at work. Which has created another problem. (Financially ) I have also notice my utilities has gone up significantly due to the stay in home order. The kids are are not fully engaging into virtual learning. Most kids are hands on learners and are used to school like environments. witnessing my children which are a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grader confined has been…
I get to spend more time with my dad, who played the position i play. This gives us more time to bond and a chance for me to learn.
Death in the family
Today I feel totally heartbroken. My neighbor informed me that his daughter died from the virus. We had just talked about her a few weeks ago after he told me that his daughter had it. The last time that he talked to his daughter, she told him that she was ok and not to come to visit yet. I swear this virus doesn’t discriminate. She died as a result of caring for others with the virus in the hospital that she has worked in for more than 20 years. She followed the 14 day protocol…
No Traveling
It has affected me by the lack of traveling that I could do before the coronavirus. It has also affected me by not being able to take my dog to the dog park. People are not taking the proper procedures and are not wearing protections in local places such as grocery stores.
Grieving Alone
My father passed away on March 31 of heart failure. He was alone in the hospital room when he should have been surrounded by family. By the time the hospital called my mom to tell her he was not going to make it, it was too late. She arrived at the hospital 10 minutes after he passed. We should have all gathered at our parents’ home and held each other and grieved. Instead, we stood 6 ft. away from our mother on her porch while she sat there and cried.
#3 She is still reeling from its affect
Patrick talked about the wait time for Boynton Beach to become a testing site, The wait time he felt was ridiculous especially because it is considered to be a hotspot. One spot was hot for one too many deaths. He blames the local and state government for its response time, Patrick was ruled negative on his COVID19 testing. He drove an 85 year old neighbor to the hospital with a slight case of the virus in March. She is still reeling from its affects. The price of meat has sharply gone wild. And it has affected his ability to purchase…
Corona Epidemic
The Corona virus has impacted my life by not being able to work; I have no income which is causing anxiety and depression.
#Face time blues
I cant go talk to my friends. I love going to the store and meeting new people. I want to have fun, but I have a child to take care of so…
Stay safe (Story #230)
With the whole pandemic going on right now theres nothing we can do about it. So i just hope everyone is staying healthy and safe in this strange time in life.
The boredom
Well first of all, life isnt the same since he whole coronavirus thing going on, I been at home for about two months now and I dont get to see my friends plus Im scared for my life. The virus have changed my whole life for instance online school instead of going to school all of this because of the social distancing.
Stuck (Story #836)
The virus had me stuck in the bahamas because my people are too scared of me to fly back to Miami
Cherishing Life of Yesterday While Living The New Norm
My oldest living relative is my Great Aunt Eleanor who is 104. She has seen so much in her life. Her mom had a sister in the early 1900’s who died from the Spanish Flu and her father and sister also had this. The doctor told her mom that she could only save one and that the baby would die. Thankfully the baby (my grandmother) survived. Eleanor still lives independently and is normally very capable, however recently she fell and broke her wrist and ribs. After coming out of rehab she needed help at…
The Helper Needs Help
For me COVID-19 has been one of those life events that creeps in slowly, unaware of the toll it will take until the damage has been done. I am one of those people that looks out for others and takes care of everyone else before I take care of myself. This global pandemic has taught me that behaviors like that take the largest toll because you don’t see the consequences until they’re upon you. In March, at the beginning of quarantine my first priority were my mom & my son. My son was quarantined at home with me and my…
EJSJB2020 (Story #49)
This virus has helped me to spend more time with my grandkids and do things around my home that I have been pushing off for a while. It gave me a chance to see America join forces & do things for the greater good of the American People.
We need a solution
The corona virus has put me out of work and now Im home with my bad kids. But this is a really scary time for the world and we need to act and find a solution quick
Work (Story #120)
The way the corona virus has affected me Iis my work for 2 weeks now I been job less because my job has been shut down now Im struggling to pay my bill
EJSJB2020 (Story #31)
I have to find funds to fed my family and going to the stores is a scary thing. Work has been slow and when trying to support others its hard because of the distance we have to keep
#21 Hope Keeps Us Moving’
This pandemic has made me grateful for the technology in our lives Today! The ability to text ,face time and message at a more matured age has certainly been a blessing. This may encourage more Seniors to become more technical at least with their phones.. I have been able to stay in communication with my 99 yr old Mother in an assisted living facility in Colorado. We.all understand, that there is no entering nursing/assisted living facilities at this time. He would like to one day show gratitude to those essential workers in grocery stores,banks ,restaurants and nursing homes who…
The virus got me away from my job and school which are the only things that keeps me sane. I am very disappointed that the states are opening back up because it will only make things much more worse
Bryant Park W.P.B.
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