How Did Community Members Interpret Their Stories?

Community members who submitted stories were given an opportunity to interpret their story, or share the meaning of their story, by responding to follow-up questions called “signifiers.” There are two types of signifiers: dyads and triads.

Here is an example of a dyad. To respond, the storyteller moves the bubble to show how “stressed out” or “calm” they feel in their story.

Here is an example of a triad. To respond, the storyteller moves the bubble to show how much each option applies to their story. If they leave the bubble in the middle, each option applies in equal proportions.

Answers to Dyad Questions

The visual above is separated into two based on whether the stories were positive (“Strongly positive” or “Positive) or negative (“Strongly negative” or “Negative”).

Answers to Triad Questions

My story is about:

My story shows we need to:

In your story, why did people act the way they did?

In my story: