Emotional tone: Neutral


Mr lloyd sukhu is from bengali. He lives with his wife maywantie. Mr lloyd will be celebrating his 76th birthday september 28th.he and his family moved to boynton beach 20 years ago. He received a triple by pass about 3 years ago. He and his wife now babysit their beautiful grandboy with lots of humility. The suhku believe that his virus came as apunishment from the creator.

Covid 19 impact

Corona virus impacted my life in a major way , 38 weeks pregnant and had no idea I was a victim ! I went to the hospital because of Severe cramps to the stomach and body Aches I knew something wasn’t right ! I got admitted to labor and delivery after 13 hours of waiting still not knowing what’s wrong but my baby was not accelerating at the correct pace even more nervous I contact my children father because now I feel alone and helpless telling him to pack his bag and the things we will need for the baby. Being that no one is allow to be with you in labor and delivery until your covid 19 test results come back. The nurse called my name and said can you please but your mask all the way on your face, I was a little bother and asked did you get my results and she stated yes and you are positive . Tears rolled down my face thinking how I’m so careful all I can think of is giving birth without the father being present my child being took from me immediately after birth as the nurse tell me everything to expect. I was then induced in labor for 16 hours alone in a room no one really wanted to walk in because I had covid 19 could not hold my child, my body started regressing due to stress not knowing if I will be able to come home having a 102 fever body aches restricted to a room alone. I had to fight ! I took honey and lemon, hot tea, hot soup I turned down anything cold, moved around the room as much as I can until I broke my fever and was released. having to stay away from my kids Hurt me more than anything. But I stand with you guys. Covid 19 is no joke and a lot of people don’t know that they have been in contact nor have the virus so please stay safe.


You can be up today and down tomorrow don’t take life for granted.


One of the most tragic and scary is the fact that we cannot visit loved ones. Loved ones that are in hospitals dying,dis-eased and families that cannot lay their eyes on those that are hospitalized.


I am mary jones 83 years old. I have lived in boynton beach since 1981. I am originally from cuthbert,georgia. I have a 25 years young grandson with this virus. He resides in in atlanta,georgia. This has affected his family. I am trying to stay clear of the virus. I will take her some microban on tomorrow.she has another grandson that resides with her, he runs all errands.


Seven months into 2020 and it feels like seven life times. 2020 is a year that needs its on history book just for the first seven months and several editions for the remaining five months. I never imagined in 2020 I would bury my father. I never imagined we would be walking around with face mask on or wearing gloves due to a virus with no cure. I never imagined that a man by the name of George Floyd would bring the whole world to their feet and scream JUSTICE!! I never thought people would burn down buildings, turn over cars, and walk miles in efforts to bring change to an oppressed system against the black race. I never thought that a young lady would be lying in her bed and shot to death by police officers or a young unarmed man out for a run and would be killed by two cowards who felt threaten.These stories have always been a part of the history of the black race. However, 2020 is the year that white, brown and black people were sick of the injustice by law enforcement and other senseless acts. Therefore, we joined forces to fight until we have permanent change. When you think of 2020, think of a year when people looked pass the color of one’s skin and unified in order to create undeniable change.

Children displaced.

During this time the hardest time was being away from my children. Due to me having to work and there being no Child care, being responsible I had to send my children to Georgia to have adequate care daily. Working pushes me out of my home for 8 hours sometimes 9 and it would be unfair for them to stay home alone.

#25 (Story #16)

I am a small business owner and had to shut down because I sell food. It was hard to take care of my family without being able to run my business. I ended up closing down.

Keeping my daddy safe..

I missed 3 weeks of work when it first started because of all the uncertainties. My father has severe asthma. He is also COPD. I care for him and was afraid I would catch it and bring it to him. He is already having a difficult time. My daughter is also asthmatic.I work as a transit driver for mentally and physically disabled individuals. Its impossible to not come in contact with them. Some dont understand that they must wear a mask and constantly takes it off. I transport individuals in wheelchairs and on walkers who need my hands on assistance.

My Family and Our Health

The positive that came out of the pandemic was the family bonding I had with my 1, 2, and 17 year old kids. The negative thing that came out of the corona virus was unemployment, living paycheck to paycheck, no money coming in to support my family or provide decent safety for them. Unemployment is not enough to feed 6 people in the household. I am also a victim of unemployment, since most of all the schools are closed and am in fear of my safety of going out in the medical field.