Equity Voices SenseMaker Project

The Equity Voices group submitted stories (or micronarratives) through SenseMaker. These stories are available only to members of this group.

If you are a member of this group, please LOGIN or SIGN UP to view this story collection.

Participants were given the following prompt:

Please share a story from your personal or professional experience that would help someone understand what equity or inequity means.

Explore the Stories

Below are several options for exploring their stories and observations.

Enter the Collection

Step into a story gallery where you can scan excerpts. Which stories capture your attention? Zoom in on stories you want to explore in more depth.

Themes (From —> To)

Explore themes for the equity voices narratives capturing how we want to move from past to future.

What the Stories Mean

View how community members interpreted their own stories and the significance they hold for the storytellers. Data visuals summarize all stories in the project.

Food for Thought

Notes from February 3, 2021:

  • Calling for a different level of introspection
  • How carefully have we considered the sources of our data?
  • We need to consider rich, contextual data like this more often
  • Do we collude with inequity in systems through what we do?
  • Do our activities really support equity in systems?
  • Are the things we are doing really effecting change? 
  • The more things change, the more they stay the same – or get worse.  How is this exercise somehow different?
  • The pandemic amplified existing inequity and made things worse
  • The intensity of the stories, issues, was too much today
  • It’s ok to take off and recharge rather than stay and become drained further
  • When confronted by pain and frustration evident in each story, response is based on personal state.  Sometimes you have to take off and recharge, other times become motivated to change.
  • Inspired, hopeful by the end but wonder of system change is possible
  • Until systems truly diversify, there isn’t hope of change
  • The health care system is dehumanizing.
  • 2020 has exacerbated this
  • How do we make health system, all systems, human first?  Is that possible?
  • Clear places of gatekeeping in the stories. 
  • Are we gatekeepers?  As a gatekeeper, can you take action?  Is there readiness?
  • One narrative is that PBC is rich in resources.  PBC is rich in resources for some, not all and that gap is widening.