Frequency: Very rare

Surviving the Pandemic

Its been hard living thru 2020, if not the deaths all over the country, its been the virus which has taken so many innocent lives, then theres people struggeling to get by with all the businesses closing, food banks running empty everyday, the propaganda with the government, not wanting to help financially, ? Stimulus, and people out robbing homes, people on streets, and then theres people waiting to see what loved ones will survive , waiting on the vaccine, im 59 yrs old, i do not remember a year in my life were i was so afraid wondering if my self, or my loved ones would survive this year, i can only keep praying we make it to 2021

EJSJB2020 (Story #NA)

When Covid-19 was first being pushed into the American news stream in March 2020 I was a sophomore in high school getting ready for spring break with my friends. Around this time people’s emotions were very mixed, some of us were freaking out 2020 had already been so chaotic (We had a World War 3 scare, several celebrities had died, storms were hitting, etc.). Some of us weren’t all that concerned especially us Floridians. Every year we get storm scares and the like, overtime we’ve adapted so that most of the time it’s hard for the mainstream news to faze us, after all if we let that happen we’d be freaked out all the time. We thought: “This is just another thing they’re trying to worry us about” Let’s not forget that our election for U.S. president was coming up this year and candidates were already dropping out like flies, this was just adding onto the election frenzy. “It’s just another Flu” “It’ll be gone by summer” “It only really hurts babies and elderly people.” These are all things we told ourselves. These are all things we were wrong about. Young healthy people, college students, newly weds still in their honeymoon stage, new mothers, this virus did not discriminate. People were being wiped out! It wasn’t just the virus’ mass devastation that caused this pandemic to become an era for the history books though, people’s behavior in these times will be talked about for years to come. I hope future generations get a laugh out of reading about “The Toilet Paper Mania” for some reason people rushed into any store they could find, thousands of shoppers found themselves fighting over TOILET PAPER! As if that could stop the virus somehow. As chaotic s that was it still feels like 7 years ago rather than 7 months simply because of everything else that’s happened since then. The killing of several black people by police officers causeda resurgence in the black lives matter movement which led to months of protests in which the police fully militarized against people singing in the streets. There were also riots in which people looted local Targets which funded their city’s police department and regularly denied service to black customers. (It’s laughable, even Target is the enemy now). Looking online these days its rare to see a Twitter handle or Instagram bio without BLM or ACAB (which means all cops are bastardized) in it. Does anyone even remember the murder hornets? Or when President Trump basically called now presidential-elect Biden’s son a crackhead on national television? Or when hordes of celebrities got on their cellphones and recorded themselves naked and singing in order to “lift our spirits” during quarantine. 2020 has been an interesting year to say the least. There were some days when we had to collectively grieve together like when beloved actor Chadwick Boseman of “Black Panther”, “Thurgood”, “42” and “Get on Up” fame tragically passed away, and there were days when we all virtually laughed with and enjoyed each other’s company like in the online “Versuz” competitions between our favorite musical artists. In summary, we’ve gone through a lot in 2020 but at least students of the future won’t be bored when it gets to our chapter of humanity’s story.

A different kind of year

The year 2020 will definitely be one to remember. So much happened and so many life lessons were learned. I personally have learned to appreciate life way more. I don’t take anything for granted anymore. We lost so many people this year and lived in a way that we’ve only seen in movies.

#AnneYEC2020 (Story #110)

Not being able to work full time at work but I stay positive and willing to do anything for my health

Covid-19 (Story #68)

I lived a long time and 2020 was by far the most crazy year i ever seen. Things changed quick and being that im a little older i have to move different so i dont come down with covid-19

Never the same

2020 was a wild year. Alot of thing’s changed and alot of things will never be the same.


Living in 2020 was different and everyone had to adapt to the change quickly.

Slowed down

2020 put me in a bad position. I was trying to look for a stable place to stay but with the whole virus going on things are slowed down

My grandkids

The pandemic has put me in a position that i cant see most of my grandchildren because of the virus.