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#52 ‘she doesn’t Like Being Alone

In Georgia,I have had ten of my cousin’s transition as a result of the Corona Virus.She is very panicky about her Great-Granddaughter,Imani,going outside. She has become very over-protective of her loved ones And she doesn’t like being alone as noted by her Granddaughter.Although, I am not employed . She likes coming to my home daily and that is fine!.


I work in assisted living facility as a dining services manager. I had flu like symptoms but was forced to stay home for two weeks without pay because of the threat of coronavirus. I am still grappling the effects of not working for two weeks.

#Tellyourstorypbc (Story #249)

The corona virus has essentially ruined my senior year. It took away my opportunity to walk across the stage, attend my prom, and my senior trip. I also recently lost my job due to the corona virus as well.

#48 Nothing is in our Hands

I am a cancer survivor. I also have respiratory concerns. I have learned during this pandemic to use technology to communicate with my Kingdom Hall family. I an using zoom and facetime . which makes me feel accomplished! The message is to continue to be obedient and working together with and friends, I am 75 yrs of age,I do need assistance with eye medication. I will make a referral for her at a local family owned pharmacy. Her food needs are being met by her sons.Lastly, she says,:Nothing is in our hands.


At my home,we have been preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. My house is petrified of the effects of this Virus. we are confined only to the perimeters of our home. In February,we made sure that my daughter (who lives elsewhere),Mother-in-Law and Nephews were taking care of with all the cleansers,disinfects, and supplies needed for a pandemic as discussed with us by my brother-in-law that lives in England.Remember our national leader says that this is a HOAX.

#49 I hope my Community Is safe:

She is a 79 yrs old Boynton resident and loves everything country. She feels that the Corona Virus is scaryI She hopes her neighborhood and community are safe,she sits outside daily near her front door with other family members. Her prays that hr younger son is safe while he is in a state institutionHer oldest son makes sure she has all that is required during this pandemic.


This is terrible at my age (81 yrs old). Our national leader spent a month talking about it was a democratic hoax. We miss our meals because that was only time we went out. We got food today at the Mall. from FSF

#Tellyourstorypbc (Story #246)

As a freshmen in college , corona virus has deeply impacted me . My classes are online and my grades are dropping due to the adjusting of it all .