It makes me worried
Gender: Female
Trying to be still with the virus
The corona virus has impacted my life in many ways:1. I was supposed to have surgery on April 22,2020 to help repair my vision, but it was postponed.2. My daughter now has to do therapy sessions at home with masks on.3. I am also not able to work because due to risk of being infected or infecting my client.4. My family is also affected by the corona virus because everyone is feeling overwhelmed.
#37 I have A Lung Disease
This lady is 82 yrs old. She lives alone. The Virus has affected her because she has a rare lung disease for 17 yrs. So,She is forbidden from going out. I am going to the grocery store for her on Saturday. This Virus is a problem with not knowing if you have it! She is not optimist when this pandemic will be over. Her neighbors are having parties. Otherwise, this is how the virus tends to spread.
#41 We don’t Drive
My husband and I are 90 and 91 yrs old. We don’t drive .Our daughters and granddaughters are doing it all for us. It is such a burden not being able to tag along with my daughters,I do admire what out national leader is saying. After all. he is doing the best he can do!
A complaint about the condition of the world as a hold
The corona virus impacted my life in many ways:1. My job, I am unable to work at all2. I am unable to shop, because I am 80 Years old3. Some of my family members have been infected4. It has been difficult to communicate with friends or loved ones because we are unable to visit each other5. I miss dining out in restaurants very very much
#44 My Son Is Extremely Strict
One of her formal neighbors,he has succumbed to the Virus, It has been so upsetting to know that the perils of this had to come to death. In a Society, that has knowledge such as ours.. I watch my Church on You tube with my Son and his wife. My Son is extremely strict on myself and his wife. It is hard not to abide by the rules and my Son’s rules. It maybe at it’s peak. America is hopefully stable.MY CHURCH HAS VEGAN MEALS DAILY AND MY SON GETS THEM FOR OUR HOUSEHOLD.
No job
I just got my job and was excited about being on my feet but then this virus came and everything went crashing Down. Im currently waiting on the stimulus check to get things in order in my life.
#42 Going To Chruch Means A Lot
She is an 89 yr old lady that hss seen more hard times than good. You can hear it in her voice. She states that she resonates from a third world Country,Jamaica. And she has seen alot of political,enviromental issues,droughts and food shortages. She feels due to this pandemic her independence has been taken away from her, She says she sits in her backyard pondering what this world will be soon….She likes watching the birds chirp and even saw a cardinal this morning. This plague has made her feel down , Not allowing her to fellowship with those she has grown to love and familiar faces are being missed, She sincerely said going to church means alot to her!She misses her meals! And the ability to go to the laundromat to dry her washed clothes and furnishing.
#43 Watch As Well As Pray
My Husband and I haven’t left our home since the last Sunday in March. I am a cancer survivor and have a leaky valve. So,my granddaughters are getting grocery for us. I.really haven’t seen neighbors in my community wearing facial protection as they walk their dogs or ride their bicycles.She says she is confused with the leadership wanting to open up some States. And there are Smithfield plants are a hotspot as well as
Pandemic (Story #214)
With the whole pandemic going on i been in the house trying to stay safe. Ive been watching the news and see everything thats going on in my community and its crazy to see something like this.