I lost my night job. Now I dont know how the bills going to get paid.
Hope: Fear
27 behind god
I was laid off from work, March 20th due to the covid 19. Its been over a month out of work and I filed for unemployment. I havent received my taxes yet its a 6-9 week wait for that, and I havent got my stimulus check either. I have about $100 left to my name and I have a few bills due at the house to help out with my portion. Struggle to pay bills and keep food in the house, I take care of my mother because shes partially blind, shes get SSI every month but even with that and what I had left over were just hitting ends meet. My aunt got sick from the virus about 2 weeks ago and shes an elderly lady 75 with heart condition, high blood pressure and diabetes. Shes not doing to well right now, what sucks the most is that if your family member gets sick you cant even visit them. I pray every night that she fights the battle and come home to all of her family. I pray itll be over soon, I barely have groceries in the house to make food at night its a really big hassle right now. Im not asking for too much but anything will help right now until my income tax comes in. This pandemic is messing up everything so far but Im keeping hope and faith alive. I read my Bible every night before I lay to rest, praying for better days and praying that the world gets back normal.
A little help
I just need a little bit of food
The coronavirus effects me because I can’t work as much as I used to because I work in the health field and it isn’t safe so I make less money than I used to and also my grandchildren are out of school and they can’t stay home alone.
Ms. Naica Stories
Because of the coronavirus I have to work from home. One of my best friends dad got the virus and its kinda scary to know that someone that I know got the disease.
Face masks are sold out
Face masks are sold out in many stores due to the increased number of coronavirus cases in America. I have been trying to find enough face masks for my family, but so are other people who are trying to protect their families as well. I will continue to pray for all of those who have been infected and their families.
Pandemic (Story #372)
When I first found out about the corona virus, I thought that It was going to stay in China and not spread to the United States, I had no idea the horror that lied ahead. Firstly, I heard that It was in my country, then my state, then my county. Soon enough, a kid that goes to palm beach county schools ended up with the corona virus, so the governor decided to close all schools in Palm Beach County. This news came to me with a shock. I was in my math class when doing my work when my teacher said that we have 2 weeks off from school due to the corona virus, but then weeks turned into months and here we are. To be honest, when I heard that the corona virus has spread across the world, the feeling of worry spread all the way across my face.
I was planning on voting but the campaign events for 2020 candidates have been halted. It could be months until there is a public event held because instead, the campaigns will be online from now on. This happening might mean the election is getting pushed back.
Not only has the coronavirus forced people to stay in their homes but it also led to many people losing work and not being able to pay their bills. I hope that everyone gets the money that they were promised by trump. I also hope that people find more ways to work from home because the more cases the harder it becomes to cure.
I saw on the news that the united states have the most confirmed coronavirus cases in the world. Even more than china where it is rumored to have originated in a lab. This makes it very hard to vote because many people like to go and physically vote. However, this could be a problem because while people vote they could be infected with the coronavirus.