My story shows we need to: Focus on the here and now

Covid Hardship

I Francisca Maria Meza Lopez, am not working. My husband works three to four days per week, due to the covid-19 pandemic he’s not working often. Please forgive me for bothering you regarding this matter, but i need help. i have three children, two boys and a girl that’s one month old. I am in need of diapers, baby wipes, food and detergent to wash their clothes etc. Please forgive me for asking this way but i need your help. God bless you.


Well, I witness how we all came together as a community and help each other get through these difficult times. I am forever grateful and i am so thankful and happy to be apart of this amazing community.

COVID 19 struggle

The beginning of 2020 started of great and then as we got more and more into 2020 everything went down hill. COVID 19 came around and changed everything. My family and I have been struggling ever since. Bills have been piling up and hours have been cut from our jobs so we’re not making as much money. We make it work here and there but sometimes it gets hard and we can’t make it work. We need some other form of financial assistance to help provide for me and my family.

EJSJB2020 (Story #NA)

COVID 19 has made an impact on me and my family. We’ve been struggling to keep up with our bills and provide for my family and I. My hours at work have been cut back due to COVID and I don’t get paid as much as I did before COVID. So trying to provide everything for my family is kinda hard.

Struggling through the pandemic

My household is made up of my four children ages 11,8,4 and 7 month old along with my husband and I. I stay home to take care of the kids while my he works. My husband works in landscaping, but his hours have been shortened more and more due to the pandemic. This has left us unable to catch up or pay rent. He has been trying to find work and was able to work twenty three days but his boss did not pay him for the work he did so now we are six months behind in rent. This situation has also caused me to rely on the assistance of friends to help pay bills like my phone bill.

Keeping my daddy safe..

I missed 3 weeks of work when it first started because of all the uncertainties. My father has severe asthma. He is also COPD. I care for him and was afraid I would catch it and bring it to him. He is already having a difficult time. My daughter is also asthmatic.I work as a transit driver for mentally and physically disabled individuals. Its impossible to not come in contact with them. Some dont understand that they must wear a mask and constantly takes it off. I transport individuals in wheelchairs and on walkers who need my hands on assistance.

My Family and Our Health

The positive that came out of the pandemic was the family bonding I had with my 1, 2, and 17 year old kids. The negative thing that came out of the corona virus was unemployment, living paycheck to paycheck, no money coming in to support my family or provide decent safety for them. Unemployment is not enough to feed 6 people in the household. I am also a victim of unemployment, since most of all the schools are closed and am in fear of my safety of going out in the medical field.

Corona (Story #910)

Hello my name is Michelle Rhoden since Corona had came along I had been forced to leave my job to watch my grand baby my husband work all day and he manage to pay all bills for the house due to me having no income coming in I have a hard time paying for things that we need for the house baby clothes and diapers. I would love to be able to help my husband out for our household I have no help from my daughter what’s so ever.

surviving covid-19

The corona has impacted me and my family because my husband hours was cut less money coming in to help pay for bills and financial payments. I was also in school to get my high school diploma but due to the virus i needed to lay off from school

In need of help

I recently have been going through a lot I’m behind in my water bill I have 5 kids with me I been laid off of work and don’t have any income coming in.