Residents from Healthier Together communities in Palm Beach County are sharing stories, ideas, personal experiences, and observations about life in 2020. More than 100 narratives have been submitted since July of 2020. Of these, 66 provided consent to share their stories here. After sharing their story or idea, residents also reflect on the continuing threat of COVID-19, systemic racism, and the impact of racism on health outcomes for minorities.
Are you a resident of Palm Beach County?
Share Your Voice
Residents were asked:
Please share a story, idea, personal experience, or something you’ve witnessed that will help future generations understand what it was like to live through and cope with 2020.
Who Submitted a Story?
As of October 2020, almost half of community members who have submitted a story (or idea, personal experience, or observation) as part of the Now project are under the age of 40, and 39% are over the age of 61. The majority (85%) were African American. Learn More
Explore the Stories
What are residents of Palm Beach County saying about 2020? Below are several options for exploring their stories and observations.

Enter the Collection
Step into a story gallery where you can scan 50 stories selected at random. Which stories capture your attention? Zoom in on stories you want to explore in more depth.

View Stories by Date
The most recent stories are displayed first. All stories are accessible through this page.

Random Story
Read one random story from the collection. Displays one story in full and shows how the community member interpreted their story (including their thoughts about the threat of COVID-19 and systemic racism).

What the Stories Mean
View how community members interpreted their own stories and the significance they hold for the storytellers. Data visuals summarize all stories in the project.

Search and Filter
COMING SOON: Search stories by word or phrase, date range, storyteller characteristics, and responses to follow-up questions (how the storyteller interpreted their story).

COMING SOON: Discover how communities are making sense of this collection of stories and input.