Motivation: They are trying to get by

Covid Hardship

I Francisca Maria Meza Lopez, am not working. My husband works three to four days per week, due to the covid-19 pandemic he’s not working often. Please forgive me for bothering you regarding this matter, but i need help. i have three children, two boys and a girl that’s one month old. I am in need of diapers, baby wipes, food and detergent to wash their clothes etc. Please forgive me for asking this way but i need your help. God bless you.

Times call for buying a Gun

Through the year, I’ve been thinking about my home, safety, unrest, what I would do if someone broke in at night. I hadn’t shot or owned a gun in over 20 years but went to a concealed carry course the other day and am looking for a gun to put in a safe place in the house only I can access in case the worst happens.

COVID 19 struggle

The beginning of 2020 started of great and then as we got more and more into 2020 everything went down hill. COVID 19 came around and changed everything. My family and I have been struggling ever since. Bills have been piling up and hours have been cut from our jobs so we’re not making as much money. We make it work here and there but sometimes it gets hard and we can’t make it work. We need some other form of financial assistance to help provide for me and my family.

EJSJB2020 (Story #NA)

COVID 19 has made an impact on me and my family. We’ve been struggling to keep up with our bills and provide for my family and I. My hours at work have been cut back due to COVID and I don’t get paid as much as I did before COVID. So trying to provide everything for my family is kinda hard.

The Helper Needs Help

For me COVID-19 has been one of those life events that creeps in slowly, unaware of the toll it will take until the damage has been done. I am one of those people that looks out for others and takes care of everyone else before I take care of myself. This global pandemic has taught me that behaviors like that take the largest toll because you don’t see the consequences until they’re upon you. In March, at the beginning of quarantine my first priority were my mom & my son. My son was quarantined at home with me and my mother lives across the street. She’s 77 years old, a 2 time cancer survivor that’s on chemo meds that have her immune system compromised. She still works as a hairdresser but my brother and I made the decision to isolate her for her safety. We also decided to take over her household expenses so that she wouldn’t be worried about rushing back to her salon which was ordered closed anyway. Shortly after that, in early April, I took in a former student that was home from college for quarantine and has a strained relationship with her mother. It didn’t take long before I saw a significant increase in my household expenses; utilities & groceries increased greatly. Then, from the additional wear & tear, household items began to give out. First my mother’s air conditioner, then my own. Next a water pipe exploded in my mother’s bathroom causing a flood and her refrigerator conked out too. My brother was soon unable to contribute anymore as his car and his wife’s care needed major repairs. I still didn’t worry as I was on top of all those additional expenses at first but then they just continued to mount month after month. I asked for a reprieve from my mortgage company but by the time the was period was finished, the expenses had piled up and my savings had been depleted. So fast forward to now, I’m currently behind on my mortgage for the month of August ($1280) and it’s time to pay September’s mortgage too. I have a past due FPL bill in the amount of $743.37 as I have only been paying the past due amount to keep afloat. I realize that there are so many others that are struggling out there but I too have found myself in the position of hardship. I hesitated to even submit this story but I figured it may resonate with someone else out there that is the helper who needs help during these very trying times.

Living through Covid

Covid has impacted my life a lot just from the cut down of work and trying to support two babies on my own my 1yr old was supposed to start school but it has been pushed back due to the virus and the school being closed so I had to pay a sitter to watch them their grandmother try to help me with them but she’s on dialysis and she can’t keep them as often. I’m a single mother who’s kids fathers was indicted just before this whole pandemic thing got out of hand he was a big help with the kids but once he was taking into custody it was just me I’ve been working to support my family as much as I can but once this pandemic rolled out I couldn’t do much and than I had the baby which my job doesn’t pay maternity leave so money that I had saved went towards my bill which forced me to go back to work earlier than what I should have been even with me having a C section and even than it was limited hours due to me working in a restaurant.

Living between homes while taking care of family.

I live in a single family home. I had to move my mother in with me due to her lease being up during the covi-19. We have been unable to find a new place for because of the coco-19 which has caused our area to be closed to a number of months. Our Realitor was closed as well as any office businesses for apt complexes. Because I had to move in my mother, I am now living between two homes due to the lack of space in my single family, already over crowded home. My husband stays with his mother and just so we can have some type of life, I spend partial time there and partial time home.

A caring husband

In my story covid19 and my wife being diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian and colon cancer. With her not working and me unable to work due to Covid have placed us in a bind. Please assist

A husband needing assistance

Hello. My name is Leroy Merchant and I am a husband who’s wife (Fabiola) is currently battle a diagnosed of stage 4 ovarian and colon cancer and also raising two teenage boys. My mother suffered a stroke in June who also needs my help. Life took us for a ride back in October last year when my wife was diagnosed and my mother’s stroke. Then on March I became unemployed due to Covid19 and it has been a struggle not only before but became more in March, being home have giving me an opportunity to take care of my wife but right now we are struggling due to me not working. The bills are coming but unfortunately I’ve exhausted my checking and savings account. With my wife being out of work its been extremely hard. She started a new job and wasn’t there long enough to apply for unemployment. She applied for Social security benefits and was denied and trying to obtain assistance from the hospital seems to be going nowhere. At this time I am the only person who is able to take care of my wife and mom in regards to all hospital and Dr visits, she is currently getting treatments for chemo and that is weekly. During chemo she is extremely weak where I have to help her out of bed each morning, Assist with her daily meals, help with hygiene, prep and feed her all her meals etc.. Our teenage boys also help but its hard on them watching their mother struggle daily. I would love to work but unfortunately my place of employment is close until further notice. Please help us as we are two hard working people who is currently going through an extremely hard time. Thank you in advance for reading my story and hope we are able to get assistance.


When will this all end. I’m all cooped up in my house. I’m ready to leave this dumb house. The only time I am happy is with the senior program and they shit that down.