Motivation: They have strong beliefs

What’s Next

Hello I am a sophomore at airport Palm Beach State and I truly believe this coronavirus mess is really serious I watch my community take this as a joke take this virus as a joke and when things hit the fan that was a large number of cases floating around my community I want to let my community to know that we need to stand strong quarantine the right way and 30 cases up as well to make the World open up we need to start within our community first and I will help with that would like to help

The New Regular

The coronavirus has extremely impacted my life. From the beginning, it changed how I, and the entire world, interact with one another in public and at home, but as things got more serious and the threat grew so did our lives. I had to move off campus, and was suddenly taking classes online, this made it so much harder to stay tuned into the lectures and participate. I lost my job temporarily for 2 months. I worked as a receptionist at my family’s salon, and with it closing my dad was also out of a job for those 2 months and it was really hard on him. By me being home, I picked up more duties around the house to help my mom who was fortunate enough to not lose her job such as helping my sister with her classwork and homework. Considering that no one in my family is a licensed teacher, some of the assignments and lessons were kind of hard to understand and teach. We started going to a lot of grocery giveaways, to assist our neighbors who were more at risk or didn’t have a car and were unable to go. I have not been able to see some of my family in months because they are at risk. Overall, this experience has affected my life is so many more ways than I could imagine.

Each other

If you could look at these last two months you could tell he been out rages run over coronavirus has been hitting hard and many people has been dying a lot of people has been in the hospital and a lot of people also recovered from corona I truly believe that this virus is a big impact and what do you learn from us has been about 2018 to 2020 has been crazy and I feel as if this virus is held his name I would like my community to reach out to each other about quarantine in quarantine in the right way because we get our slow down this virus get a hairline get a blessing in all protect each other

Help (Story #652)

Lately coronavirus has been a big impact around our little less corona bars are really slow the roads down and put a word in brown the right to pause at what people really realize how serious one virus can infect the world I really feel like this is just an outbreak in sight and example to show my community in my government how we need to come together and help people out

FAU Honors College Student Contracts COVID-19 While Working as an EMT

I am an EMT who was infected with COVID-19, this experience has forever changed my appreciation for life and my family. Earlier in the year when news of this virus first started emerging, I kept telling myself it would not affect us, that it would only be temporary. I am a neuroscience student at the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of FAU. My life was pretty normal at that point, I was attending classes, interning at the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, and working my regular hours on the weekends. Then spring break came around, my boss briefed us on the seriousness of the situation and established new protocol. This was all strange to me at first. My company then got contracted by the Department of Homeland Security and CDC to perform health screenings on incoming passengers at the Miami International Airport. I volunteered to participate in the detail, as I wanted to contribute in whichever way I could. My shifts at the airport were very strenuous, they would sometimes be up to sixteen hours. We were constantly on the move, from gate to gate, screening hundreds of passengers at a time. There was no time for food or rest. Wearing full PPE made things even harder, it was not comfortable. I knew I was taking a risk being down there, but I wanted to not only serve my country, but humanity, in a time of need. School was moved online after spring break, and I continued to work.It was March 27th when I first noticed I had a cough. The next morning I woke up in full sweat, body aches, fatigue, and a headache. I called off from work and my boss sent me to get tested. I got a flu test, along with chest x-rays. The doctor informed me I was negative for the flu and had acute bronchitis. I remained in isolation for the next few days. There came a point where I could not even walk to the bathroom without experiencing extreme shortness of breath. I would lay in bed, unable to sleep, feeling like my lungs were not getting enough air. The laboratory called me to deliver my COVID-19 test results, I was positive. My first concern was my family, I had been living with them while I was working shifts at the airport. We took precautions, I did not want them to get infected. My symptoms varied for about two weeks, I eventually felt fine. However, I was not back to normal. It took about a 6 weeks for me to feel fully recovered. I only recently tested negative, I tested positive five times after being asymptomatic. As a healthcare worker, I must test negative twice before going back to work. Within that time frame, I had to catch up on school as the semester was ending. That was one of the most challenging semesters I ever had to experience. This situation has been very hard on everyone, I am one amongst many who it has impacted. My parents lost their jobs until the fall semester, since they work at a university. That is, if we do return to physical classes. I am returning to work soon, after being out for 8 weeks. While it has been a hard time to endure, it has made me appreciate life a lot more. I am very grateful for my health, I can go on runs again and feel my lungs fill up with air. My mother did contract the virus as well, but she has recovered. I am thankful that my family is well, and that we can continue to push on through this together. I know that we are very lucky, some people do not have similar outcomes. I felt hopeless at times, and at fear for mine and my family’s health. I plan on donating my plasma and pick up shifts at my company’s COVID-19 testing center when I am cleared to go back. It is important to keep doing good, that is how we will all get through this.

Restaurant (Story #645)

Coronavirus has run to pick and pack in my life I’m a big guy and I love to eat I play football at University of Central Florida and with everything I’ve been closed out all the good restaurants I’m currently losing weight which I’m happy and sad about I like to die Nana eat my food so to see some of the restaurants opening up but came down and I still don’t get to enjoy my food I want to quarantine and has been taken at all upon me and I just want to eat good again Can’t can the government let things open back up faster

School (Story #600)

Coronavirus has stopped me from going to school and participating in summer classes I struggle with taking online classes for the spring or sometime in May and my family decided that we will no longer participate in summer classes in my community Bellglade we have a problem with quarantining and things are turning upside down I truly believe coronavirus I started it operate in my community and only we can fix it.

How COVID-19 Has Been Impacting My Live :

COVID-19 has turned my life a bit upside down, as it has for many. My boyfriend and I both work in tech, for two different platforms in the hiring industry. When the Stay at Home regulations began across the country, my company was flooded with cancellations. We specialize in restaurants and hospitality, so it’s understandable that as a hiring tool we’d be one of the first services cut as these companies try to stay afloat. My company is a very small startup, so this hit us hard from the get-go. We immediately cut salaries across the board and cancelled bonus plans, with our C-level execs forgoing paychecks entirely to keep us afloat. Our next ‘phase’ is moving to rolling 1-2 week mandatory unpaid vacations, cycling through each employee as long as we can keep our finances in a place to avoid layoffs.My boyfriend works for one of the largest hiring platforms in the world, and they have a number of different revenue channels, so we figured his job would be safe even if mine was not. After 7 years of working there, he was very unceremoniously laid off—along with more than half of the company—in an effort to manage costs amidst their drastic decline in sales. As long as our losses continue to stay steady, my company may actually avoid layoffs and the unpaid vacations entirely. With the flexibility of a small team and the government assistance programs being implemented, we’re in a scary-but-decent position. I never thought my tiny tech startup would be the one to come out of this relatively ok! It’s been interesting to see how companies with similar clients and offerings are managing this time so differently. We definitely are in a crazy point in history but will all get through it together.

No home

It’s been very upsetting there’s no where to go. I can’t go home with see my family i have 19 grandchildren.