Rules or Any Means: NA

The Kids

This has been crazy being stuck at home. I think my kids have had it hardest bc they can’t see their friends or really participate in any activities. The food distributions and community feedings have been awesome. It saves some money from the limited funds that are no longer coming in.


I haven bee. Through a lot cling you have been rob by the police beat up and lot of many thing that’s not worth talking about but it’s time for a chase


Ms mildred schley is a native of boynton beach. She is a mother to 4 sons and 1 daughter. She now lives with her daughter,jane. Jane teaches at congress middle school. Her oldest son suffers with many health concerns and he is in and out of the schley believes that the unrest has been a long time coming in the black community. She mentions that the baby boomers failed this generation by not standing and staying steadfast to the cause .


Mrs carol woodside is 82 years of age and she is from louisville,kentucky. She has lived in boynton beach for 19 years. Mrs woodside is scheduled to have a spinal fusion as soon as the hospitals open up for elective surgeries. Sh is fearful of exposure to covid19. She never thought about not being able to see her grands back in kentucky but due to covid she can.t. This is like jail!

Children displaced.

During this time the hardest time was being away from my children. Due to me having to work and there being no Child care, being responsible I had to send my children to Georgia to have adequate care daily. Working pushes me out of my home for 8 hours sometimes 9 and it would be unfair for them to stay home alone.

#25 (Story #16)

I am a small business owner and had to shut down because I sell food. It was hard to take care of my family without being able to run my business. I ended up closing down.