Stable: NA

Gail’s Story

the coronavirus has impacted my life because I can hardly work on one of my jobs. Sometimes I my go to peoples houses, sometimes I may go to the nursing homes, and sometimes might go to peoples houses. So, It was too much of a risk for me to hold onto that job for now because I have to be home with my grandchildren that I am taking care of right now, and as y’all know there is no school. So, I have to stay home with my grand kids most of the time. Sometimes I go to my private case which my private case told me that I didn’t have to go because she was more concerned because I had my grand kids and she didn’t want me to catch anything, but I still go every once in a while.

These days shall pass

The Coronavirus has had an impact on my life. It has changed the way we do thing on a daily basis. I lost a family member due to the virus and I have another family member in the hospital on ICU. The I was unable to attend the funeral because of the limited number of people allowed to be there. I was sad because I wanted to be there to show my support. Many people are walking around with the virus and may not know it. It’s challenging for folks in my community to get tested because there are no testing sites here. We have to travel to west Delray and the lines are usually long. There is a lot going on and people are making efforts to help each other but we as people have to take this virus serious because it is no joke.

Working from Home

I am a first year Elementary Education major at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University and when the Coronavirus was first talked about we (the students) thought nothing of it. Then the week before spring break, the university’s president announced that students were supposed to stay home until April 5th to ensure no one would bring the Coronavirus to the Campus. Within the second week of staying home he announced that students could no longer come back in Campus unless it was to move out of their dorms. So, now it has been almost two months since I have been self distancing and it has been the most boring thing I have ever gone through. Living in Florida means that I have been through Hurricanes, but the Epidemic is like a hurricane that does not show rather it is done or not. Taking college classes is already a hassle, and adding online lecturing and tons of homework does not make it any better. You have to worry about your life and also worry about your assignment that is due at 5:30. I have never been more grateful for the library until now. I cannot focus working in the luxury of my home, my ideas become jammed and procrastination always sounds like a better option. God has blessed my mother with pay from home, so that has decreased my worrying. I regret taking my freshman college experience for granted, and I wish I could rewind time to go back.

Deaf Dog Finally Rescued

While working from home due to Coronavirus, we decided we would go to Big Dog Ranch Rescue and foster a dog. Early into quarantine we brought home a 3-year old deaf pup from the ranch. This dog had only ever lived in a house for a week, spending most of his life in between shelters. He was super shy and friendly, and had something special about him. Over a month later, we are happy to say that we are foster failures. Our pup has our hearts and is the goofiest dog ever. This quarantine has given us the time necessary to get a new rescue acquainted with a new house, family and life style. We would not have been able to rescue our sweet boy if we weren’t at home all day, and for this I am grateful. I have created an instagram for him and am working on growing it, trying to advocate for deaf dogs. Through working with him, we have learning that deaf dogs are just as playful and trainable as non-special needs dogs and shouldn’t be ignored in shelters. Garth was overlooked for 3 years because of his disability so we have spent our time at home spreading awareness and hoping that deaf dogs will be less overlooked in the future. (IG: Garth.the.goodboy)

#Face time blues

I can’t go talk to my friends. I love going to the store and meeting new people. I want to have fun, but I have a child to take care of so…

My shoe game

There were some new air maxes that I was trying to purchase, but due to the stores closing I’ll just have to wait until they reopen.

Corona Virus Impact

The corona virus has impacted my life by making it difficult to find daily essentials such as toilet paper,paper towels,cleaning supplies and etc. at local grocery stores.The corona virus has also affected me by not allowing me to travel and visit family,go to school or even go to the gym.


Cory 19 impact my life is that I’m home not working can I pay all my bills miss all my friends social distance miss my family so it’s a lot to deal with but you know we have to do what we have to do and make sure that we are safe

my life during the pandemic

Because of the corona virus I am not able to go to work, church and socialize with my friend. I am scared to go to to grocery store because I don’t want to get infected by the virus and bring it to my family. Even though I talk to my family like my mother on the phone but I don’t want to go to her house because since she is old and I am not tested I don’t want to expose her to the virus. I don’t want to be the one to bring it to her. My kids are now are in the house all the time I need to have extra food in my pantry because the eat more than before.


Many people around me have been laid off. I’m currently looking for a job as I was let go right before the virus took off. However, it’s been difficult being able to do interviews and things because no one is actually in an office. And I don’t want to work a normal job like fast food or anything because I have a college degree. So I have been spending this time looking for jobs. I didn’t really take it seriously until I found out that someone from Riviera Beach died from it Coronavirus has taught me to be more clean and sanitary.