I Francisca Maria Meza Lopez, am not working. My husband works three to four days per week, due to the covid-19 pandemic he’s not working often. Please forgive me for bothering you regarding this matter, but i need help. i have three children, two boys and a girl that’s one month old. I am in need of diapers, baby wipes, food and detergent to wash their clothes etc. Please forgive me for asking this way but i need your help. God bless you.
Stable: The community is volatile
Traversing Uncharted Spaces
2020 was a year of FORCED creativity as a result of a global health pandemic causing entire countries to shelter at home to prevent the spread of the virus. While shut in at our homes, we witnessed the horrific murder of Mr. George Floyd, a Black man, at the hands of a White police officer which erupted in a racial pandemic which has been suppressed as a result of hundreds of Black lives taken, senselessly. In addition, there was an emergence of technological advancements, proficiencies, and accelerated growth as we shifted our minds and hearts to execute the simple tasks that were no longer options in our COVID environment.
The Family in covid-19 in 2020
The is family is very important .
Times call for buying a Gun
Through the year, I’ve been thinking about my home, safety, unrest, what I would do if someone broke in at night. I hadn’t shot or owned a gun in over 20 years but went to a concealed carry course the other day and am looking for a gun to put in a safe place in the house only I can access in case the worst happens.
Well, I witness how we all came together as a community and help each other get through these difficult times. I am forever grateful and i am so thankful and happy to be apart of this amazing community.
COVID 19 struggle
The beginning of 2020 started of great and then as we got more and more into 2020 everything went down hill. COVID 19 came around and changed everything. My family and I have been struggling ever since. Bills have been piling up and hours have been cut from our jobs so were not making as much money. We make it work here and there but sometimes it gets hard and we cant make it work. We need some other form of financial assistance to help provide for me and my family.
EJSJB2020 (Story #NA)
COVID 19 has made an impact on me and my family. Weve been struggling to keep up with our bills and provide for my family and I. My hours at work have been cut back due to COVID and I dont get paid as much as I did before COVID. So trying to provide everything for my family is kinda hard.
Covid 19 impact
Corona virus impacted my life in a major way , 38 weeks pregnant and had no idea I was a victim ! I went to the hospital because of Severe cramps to the stomach and body Aches I knew something wasnt right ! I got admitted to labor and delivery after 13 hours of waiting still not knowing whats wrong but my baby was not accelerating at the correct pace even more nervous I contact my children father because now I feel alone and helpless telling him to pack his bag and the things we will need for the baby. Being that no one is allow to be with you in labor and delivery until your covid 19 test results come back. The nurse called my name and said can you please but your mask all the way on your face, I was a little bother and asked did you get my results and she stated yes and you are positive . Tears rolled down my face thinking how Im so careful all I can think of is giving birth without the father being present my child being took from me immediately after birth as the nurse tell me everything to expect. I was then induced in labor for 16 hours alone in a room no one really wanted to walk in because I had covid 19 could not hold my child, my body started regressing due to stress not knowing if I will be able to come home having a 102 fever body aches restricted to a room alone. I had to fight ! I took honey and lemon, hot tea, hot soup I turned down anything cold, moved around the room as much as I can until I broke my fever and was released. having to stay away from my kids Hurt me more than anything. But I stand with you guys. Covid 19 is no joke and a lot of people dont know that they have been in contact nor have the virus so please stay safe.
My Story (Story #938)
My StoryI am Janette Lopez, Im a single mother. I live with my mother, sister and 12 year old son. We all four caught the virus covid 19. Till this day we are still recovering. Unfortunately, Im not able to work yet because I am still sick and taking medications. My family and I are very grateful for this foundation. Thank you for paying my previous months rent. And for continuing to support my family and I through the month of June. I am very grateful, Thank you for everything. Janette Lopez
Struggling through the pandemic
My household is made up of my four children ages 11,8,4 and 7 month old along with my husband and I. I stay home to take care of the kids while my he works. My husband works in landscaping, but his hours have been shortened more and more due to the pandemic. This has left us unable to catch up or pay rent. He has been trying to find work and was able to work twenty three days but his boss did not pay him for the work he did so now we are six months behind in rent. This situation has also caused me to rely on the assistance of friends to help pay bills like my phone bill.