Stress: NA

What love Is?

The coronavirus has made me appreciate how valuable life is. Never before this generation experience a global pandemic of this magnitude. We can’t take for granted the seriousness of is situation we are in. To see health workers risk their lives to save others is truly a real expression of love. It must affect them emotionally, pysocologically as well as the fear,concern and anxiety it causes their family. The story of the Doctor facing a custody battle to keep her child in her life is heartbreaking. Yet she is willing to still put forth the effort to help others.

Deaf Dog Finally Rescued

While working from home due to Coronavirus, we decided we would go to Big Dog Ranch Rescue and foster a dog. Early into quarantine we brought home a 3-year old deaf pup from the ranch. This dog had only ever lived in a house for a week, spending most of his life in between shelters. He was super shy and friendly, and had something special about him. Over a month later, we are happy to say that we are foster failures. Our pup has our hearts and is the goofiest dog ever. This quarantine has given us the time necessary to get a new rescue acquainted with a new house, family and life style. We would not have been able to rescue our sweet boy if we weren’t at home all day, and for this I am grateful. I have created an instagram for him and am working on growing it, trying to advocate for deaf dogs. Through working with him, we have learning that deaf dogs are just as playful and trainable as non-special needs dogs and shouldn’t be ignored in shelters. Garth was overlooked for 3 years because of his disability so we have spent our time at home spreading awareness and hoping that deaf dogs will be less overlooked in the future. (IG: Garth.the.goodboy)

Sharing purpose.

Now with Coronavirus waking people up and they are more motivated to explore gardening, growing foods and thinking about food and diet as sources of diseases. Because of this, I’ve connected to new people in ways that feels more purpose driven on both sides, which wasn’t necessarily there previously. I hope the motivation lasts.


Cory 19 impact my life is that I’m home not working can I pay all my bills miss all my friends social distance miss my family so it’s a lot to deal with but you know we have to do what we have to do and make sure that we are safe

The end of the world (Story #415)

I’m a diabetic person I’m very scared but in the mane of Jesus this virus will go far away from me and my family. Now I seating every day no work no money , this virus arrives like Bigger storm No time to do nothing and save anything my biggest problem i got bill to pay .


Ms Cox is 79 yrs old and gives the impression that she does not have a care in this world!She has been back in Boynton Beach from Ft Myers for 8 months, She has been a Mother to her grandson after his mother left him in the hospital 31 yrs ago. He is in need of medical services for him. Since then, his Mother/her daughter has passed. She boldly said to me that I really don’t have any thoughts on this virus, She encountered an amputation(leg) February 17,2020.

Life of helll right now

the corona has impacted my life so much ! I lost a job I have a family to feed . life has been so stressful . I try my best to keep a smile on my face for my kids but something has to give ….

Appreciate what you have.

The corona virus has pushed me to be more open minded about other people’s situations. Often times we go through life not taking in the perspectives of other people’s lives. So hearing what other people are going through has made me appreciate the things I have in my life . I have learned to not take the small things for granted and be mindful that what I might find as an inconvenience for me may be a blessing for someone else.On one of my virtual staff meetings I heard that people were having difficulty in household in pbc with more than one child because they all couldn’t have their own laptop. I would have never thought of that as a potential issue for anyone because I only have one sibling who I don’t have to share a computer with.In that moment we realized that it was good thing we hadn’t gotten my sister a laptop from the county because there are children who don’t have any computer access at all. SO us getting her a computer would have been taking away from a child that may have no other computer access in the home.So although her computer doesn’t work properly sometimes,she has access to other people with computers and its better than not having one at all.

Help those most in need in Lake Worth and PBC

Our gallery and studio are closed to the public. I come in most days to a thankfully empty town. The only people, for the most part, who are walking the streets are the homeless and those with cognitive disabilities. I drive past the tent city in John Prince Park and it breaks my heart to see so many homeless in close quarters. If nothing is done to help them it is only a matter of time. I worry about Patrick and the folks he feeds and their exposure. I sent this statement out in a letter to someone who might have the power to help. It is all I can think of. I will edit a few words out- but here is my suggestion: Every day I pass the tent city of homeless in John Prince park. This, and one other spot in Lake Worth is a petri dish of disease waiting to explode. Dave Kerner’s solution was inhuman in nature. This situation must be addressed in a humane way. I think you might be the key to this. I am a nobody when I make suggestions, but you have a voice that can and does make a big difference.Because our tourist industry is now dead- there are hundreds of motel room empty and available. I know some of those living there are bad characters because we canvassed there, but I also know there are scared helpless families. I have watched this tent city grow and grow, as I pass it every day.Could you get the county elected officials to pay motels and cleaning crews to sanitize these rooms and house and feed these families (and individuals) until this crisis is over. When the evasive testing kits become available, social services should test everyone. I am willing to bet many of these folks don’t even know about this crisis.I hope you heard Rodney Mayo’ s testimony before the WPB commission. Rodney’s workers could be employed by the county to feed those who need it most. He just laid off over 600 workers. The county needs food to go out to elderly, and all other hungry people- and his restaurants could be set up to do this. What better way to help a humanitarian like Rodney than to pay to use his restaurants to cook and deliver this food all over the county.

No Income

My job has cut down hours and I went from working an average 35 hours payroll to only 6 to 10.